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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You eat much too much and you get fat. Actions/inactions always have results. . You do it to yourself. Same with COVID 19 isn't it?

You eat much too much and you get fat. Actions/inactions always have results. . You do it to yourself. Same with COVID 19 isn't it?

Instead of doing "the right thing" from the beginning, ALL OF US, about half of us didn't. They certainly had a right to do not do or undue. Free will you know.

Now we are reaping the rewards results of those action/inactions. Why whine about it? We BROUGHT IT ON OURSELVES. WE ASKED FOR IT WE GOT. Some are still asking for it and that will insure continuing to get it.

For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

I mean who doesn't KNOW THAT? So here we are enjoying our just deserved earned "desserts". Right?

Posted - December 11, 2020


  • 10572
    Had they listened we wouldn't be where we are now.  

    - Wear a mask.  Simple thing.  A bit uncomfortable, but doable.

    - Social distance.  A bit harder, but still doable.

    - Wash your hands.  A no brainer... we were taught how to do that when we were 2.

    3 simple little things.  If they did them they could've had their stores and shops open.  They could have had their kids back at school. 

    But instead, they rebelled.  They marched in the streets proclaiming they would not obey such draconian rules.

    The virus spread.  So more measures were put in place.

    - Close businesses, churches, or any place where people have close contact with each other
    - Stay Home
    - Don't gather in large crowds
    - Wear a mask

    The rebellion multiplied.  National and local politicians refused to enact, let alone enforce these rules.  "Do as you will", they cried.  "All lis normal."

    The virus continued to spread.  People began dying in droves.

    "Your fascist rules are destroying us!", the rebbelers  cried.  "We can't survive like this!".  "This is a free country, so we will do as WE want!"

    So they gathered in large crowds, they held their parties (even with family), churches, whose creed is "love", began suing the government for their right to spread the virus.  And the virus thrived.  Millions contracted it, hundreds of thousands died, hundreds of thousands more we were in hospitals and ICUs.  

    They crowded into trains, on buses, and on planes - all with the virus flowing in their veins.  No mask did they wear, no distance did they keep.  
    With their last dying breath, some still denied the viruses existence.

    Had but they did those 3 little things - wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands - the life they so desire would have been... theirs.

    (sorry, I kind of slipped into Dr. Seuss mode)
      December 11, 2020 12:23 PM MST

  • 113301
    They are still at it Shuhak. Full throttle. Still at it. As we are told we are entering the most dangerous painful 3 months they are still at it. Nothing gets through. So talking is useless. What do we do? Shut up and leave them alone to follow their fate. Stay out of their way as much as we can. MASK. SOCIAL DISTANCE. WASH OUR HANDS. Shelter in place. We in California have been doing that since EARLY MARCH. I expect if we hadn't our numbers would have been far worse. But in the last 72 hours California has 94,609 NEW CASES of Covid and we know the worst is yet to come. What can we who have done all we were advised to do early do? At this point my friend just double up and pray. For what exactly I honestly don't know. I know when I talk to HIM I feel better so that's what I'm doing more of. Jim isn't into that so much but that's okay. I do enough for both of us. As for the world outside who doesn't give a rat's a** about living I can't think of anything more to say about that. I'm tapped out. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 11, 2020 12:31 PM MST