Because it never ended for them and never will. They fight to go back to those times when women had no say in anything and could not vote. Where people of color did the work for the lazy a** whites who thought they were "better than". Nothing has changed. The world has long-sinced moved on. They never will. They overjoiced when pandora trump "won" in 2016. One of their own kind in charge at last. They came out of the scum and out of the woodwork and out of the slime and marched and protested knowing pandora don had their backs at all times in all things. In 2020 he lost. They will not tolerate that. They will do something about that.
Macho macho macho men and their silent second-class wives who dare never disagree with the lord and master ever. Those were the days. These folks YEARN for them. The women yearn to be treated like property/chattel to do the bidding of the master of the house. The men are all for it. Those men. The Johnny Rebs. The traitors.
And so it goes. Ever it shall be thus.