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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There is zero creativity imagination or inventiveness in the Republican Party. It is a party of revenge/retaliation/reacting. WHY?

There is zero creativity imagination or inventiveness in the Republican Party. It is a party of revenge/retaliation/reacting. WHY?

The bozo trump has an excellent reputation at doubling down hitting back revenging retaliating avenging. Very good. But creating anything of value? Ever? Just once?

What since Ike? Now Ike warned us about the Military Industrial complex. Ike created our national system of freeways. Ike was a very savvy honest guy.

Of course we have Abraham Lincoln...longer ago in the past than Ike. A good guy who fought incredible odds and paid the utlimate price.

Today's republicans are dreck in comparison. Well NOT ALL OF THEM. Those who do their jobs honorably and adhere to the Constitution are attacked maligned insulted by their own party. The risks they take for being patriotic and good citizens.

The ones who have integrity and put country first? They are the good guys/gals. No question. But how many of them are there compared to how many of them there aren't? What is or not is? That is the question.

Posted - December 15, 2020
