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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Leaders sue Newsome to halt lockdown". Nice word.."leaders". Who they mean is "super stupid dumbsh**s" but they can't say THAT. I can. YOU?

"Leaders sue Newsome to halt lockdown". Nice word.."leaders". Who they mean is "super stupid dumbsh**s" but they can't say THAT. I can. YOU?

Anyone who attacks or blocks anyone who is TRYING TO SAVE LIVES is perforce a super stupid dumbsh**.

We have millions and millions and millions of them in California. Lucky us. :(

So Governor Newsome has to deal with them while he is trying to save our lives. How droll. How ironic. How odd. How now brown cow art thou? MOOOOO

Posted - December 16, 2020


  • 10560
    I bet some of them are from this country.

    People are stupid.  Hours the current "stay at home" order went into effect, dozens of local businesses were encouraging people to come into their establishment and "party" before the tyrannical orders kicked in (as if the virus was impotent until that time).

    My BIL has a "recall Newsome" petition in his store.

    Many people refuse to believe the virus is real.  They think, like trump said, that it's only a flu.  But it's their stubborn foolishness that's put us where we are now,  Had they just listened 8 months ago, they wouldn't have to impose such drastic rules.  And yet still they fight against them... to their dying breath.  Thus confirming the old proverb - "As a dog goes back to its vomit, so a fool repeats his stupidity".
      December 16, 2020 12:53 PM MST

  • 113301
    The truth is out there everywhere Shuhak. The truth is out there and yet in the face of it the cowards are still defiant and refuse to acknowledge it. Now if bozo trump had embraced the truth and led the way to fighting the virus early on I wonder would those clunkheads still be defiant? How much of it is due to bozo trump and how much resides within them? Would they DEFY bozo trump if he instructed them early on to WEAR MASKS, SOCIAL DISTANCE, WASH HANDS, SHELTER IN PLACE? We will never know. They are all cowards. Ignorant. Oblivious. Obtuse. CERTAIN they are right. Go figger! SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) Has your rain arrived yet? Our east coast pals are getting SLAMMED! Just what they needed! When it rains it pours. Sorry. I couldn't resist. Apologies! :)
      December 17, 2020 2:06 AM MST

  • 10560
    There have always been defiant naysayers, and there always will be.  Even in the Spanish flu there were anti-maskers.   had trump taken action earlier things might have been different.  However, the fact that he constantly encouraged the naysayers is what really spurred the situation.  he led by example all right, but the wrong example.

    We barely got .90 of rain between midnight and 6am.  Not much, but it's better than nothing.  It's now clearing off, and dry weather is forecast through the end of the year.
      December 17, 2020 11:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    Meanwhile Spunky et al are getting smacked around on the east coast. I sure wish there were a way to equalize the weather. Maybe one day? Thank you for your reply. We went to the market this morning. I had on a sweatshirt, a vest, a wool sweater and another thick warm cover. It was THAT cold. Didja see reports of what is going on in New York? Geez! Ever live where you encountered a n'oreaster? Or have you always lived in California? :)i
      December 17, 2020 11:46 AM MST

  • 10560
    I've always lived in California.  Of course, the weather here is far from what people think of when they think about california weather.  I've seen it -1F here on 2 occasions.  I've seen 3 feet of snow fall just overnight.  I've seen winds that knocked over 160 foot trees.  I used to have 3 large oak trees in my backyard, but they were ripped out of the ground by 17" of snow (one landed on my house).  I've stood on my back porch and watched large tree branches (we're talking about branches weighing over 50 pound limbs, as well as entire tree tops (200-500 pounds) being snapped off like toothpicks by less than 2" of snow  Yes, their nor'easters are bad, but we have our share of similar storms out here as well.  

    I only wear a sweatshirt inside.  If I go outside,  I put on a jacket if it's below 46/47.
      December 17, 2020 2:05 PM MST

  • 113301
    I think what people think of when they think "California" are the southern California beaches  like Malibu and the Pasadena Rose Parade and Hollywood and the HOLLYWOOD sign. In other words "southern" California. They take their shots at San Francisco but they clearly have never visited that wondrous city. When they are freezing "back east" and watch many of us at the beach during winter on a mild day they get ugly jealous. And move out here in droves. At least they used to do that. Now many are leaving and for me the more the merrier! We are already way too crowded. We should only have people here who love being here. The rest of 'em should get the he** out! Just my opinion. I love northern California too. The whole state is my cuppa tea! Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday to thee! :)
      December 18, 2020 1:36 AM MST

  • 10560
    You're right.  Of course, the same can be said of us when we think about other states as well.  How do we see New York?  One giant crowded city or fields and forests?

    I agree, the less people here the merrier.

    It is indeed a beautiful state.  Unfortunately, California seems to only want the wealthy and elite living here (tourists are always welcome , just as long as they don't stay too long)  The taxes here are extreme (if the state need to fart it raises taxes and fees), rent/housing prices are through the roof (and climbing), and regulations are excessive (before you can even blow your nose you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get hundreds of permits).  It's getting where the "average" person can't afford to live here anymore.  This isn't even mentioning that the state let the power company (up here) jack up its customers rates to pay for its negligence (it's like having the police department pay the fine on every speeding they write).  And I won't even mention what they let the local water company do (so they can get around state ordinances).
    The ones who can leave are the "fortunate" ones.  At least they can afford to leave.  Most can't even afford that much, and further boost our increasing homeless population.  This post was edited by Shuhak at December 19, 2020 11:05 AM MST
      December 18, 2020 11:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    Ever check out what it costs to live in HAWAII? There are areas in the world that are in fact PARADISE and well it ain't cheap. I was born in Michigan and moved to California at the age of 3. I lived in Massachusetts for 5 years which is where my son was born. But California is the state I love and adore and where most of my memories in my entire life reside. I don't remember much about Highland Park, Michigan a Detroit suburb. I enjoyed the years we were in Massachusetts. GREAT people great history and breathtaking beauty. Didn't like the n'oreasters or black ice or bug spraying in the summer but nowhere is perfect. California is the home I will always value most. More of me was formed here than anywhere. Just my thoughts. If it were cheap to live here with all there is here we'd have 500 million residents instead of just 39 million. Thank you for your reply. I'm gonna use this for a question. Don't take it personally. No disrespect intended. Okey dokey? This post was edited by RosieG at December 19, 2020 11:59 AM MST
      December 19, 2020 11:11 AM MST

  • 33856
    Good for them standing up for freedom.
      December 16, 2020 7:54 PM MST