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While millions of Americans wait in long lines for food for many hours, fear being homeless guess what the GOP is doing?

Filing BOGUS lawsuits? So far there have been at least 59 or 60 FILED AND THROWN OUT OF COURT. Then there are the investigations now going on by the witless stupid dumb Republicans like Ron Johnson.

OKAY. I get it. They are SORE LOSERS and pathetic cowards without backbone spine or "cajones". No doubt.


How many millions wasted that should be used to FEED and SHELTER and HELP we the people.

They do not care. They insist upon their wanton promiscuous flagrant ways. Hoors all of them. SCAIRDY CAT freightenend hoors who will do any tricks for anyone at any time. They have no self-respect. They are traitors to the country and to the people who elected them to represent them.

Photo ops. Supercilious rantings and ravings and baseless accusations. All phony all fake all evil. And the beat goes on.


Posted - December 17, 2020


  • 33887
    Perhaps the state should let the businesses open people can work. 
      December 17, 2020 2:56 AM MST

  • 2706
    :) :) :) !
      December 17, 2020 2:42 PM MST

  • 6098
    Yes.  Many of us in our 60s and older have lived all our lives without these modern "shut-downs" and "distancings" etc. The way viruses work is they get passed around si incumbent upon us to strengthen ourselves through proper lifestyles. Forcing people our of business and causing hardships and hunger is not the way and never has been. Historically health and medical advances have come in times of more full employment. Preventing honest people form earning their daily bread is only disheartening and weakens the fabric of society.  Which is why I cannot help thinking that Democrats have so embraced this virus to undermine the very strength of fabric of this country, cause people to lose their fiscal independence, and so increase their dependence of the "state".  I'm sorry to see this and I hope I am wrong. But I can't help having the feeling that many Democrats so hate this country all they think about is bringing it down.  
      December 22, 2020 8:47 PM MST

  • 33887
    Fear and control...that is what they are after. 
      December 23, 2020 4:31 AM MST

  • 6098
    my2cents we are very different, have different lifestyles, live in different places, have different backgrounds. Yet we nonetheless connect in many of our beliefs and world views. Through most of this year I did not come on this site yet each of us on her own came up with many of the same opinions on these things.  As I would have guessed would happen if I had thought about it.  Some people need to understand that for many of us it is not at all a matter of "following" any political leader but rather a matter of like personal beliefs and similar world views. 
      December 23, 2020 7:03 AM MST

  • 6098
    Enforced bankruptcies, homelessness, and poverty will never cure anything but only make everything much worse.  Why would anyone logically conclude that the way to handle any virus is to undermine the economic strength of individuals and cause hardship and poverty?  When people work and are productive they are quite naturally healthier and happier.  Take those things away from them and you remove the very essence of human life itself. 
      December 23, 2020 7:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    As they continue on working they get the disease and die. An economy cannot exist without people to run it. The thanksgiving frolicking has caused these MASSIVE surges. California is totally locked down. The U.K. is completely isolated. You have millions traveling again for Christmas unconcerned about spreading anything but their butts from eating too much. And so it goes. Prevention makes no sense to the senseless. Take it as it comes. Ignore the warnings. Just keep trucking on. The sign says "bridge washed out ahead". Ignore it. Don't believe it. Forge ahead. You know better. Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at December 23, 2020 7:42 AM MST
      December 23, 2020 7:16 AM MST

  • 6098
    I would not consider any normal social and business interaction as "frolicking". Though am sure that there is plenty of real "frolicking" going on and why not?  Which one of us at some time or other has not "frolicked"?  These so-called "surges" (and note that term has now become political in the hands of the liberal press) are nothing but the normal run of flus and viruses which occur as Winter deepens, especially here in the North. Where are all these people who are dying?  The only person I know of who has the so-called Covid is the mother of my2cents. Since when is it shameful to contract a disease and since when has any government used a disease to try and control people?  We take sick and we get better.  Time will come, sooner of later, when we will take sick and die - that will happen to all of us. Now of course I believe in prevention by strengthening our immune systems. Which we are unable to do if we isolate ourselves with no social interaction. Please come to MA and see whole business of blocks of stores shut down and owners who have given up - not because of disease and death but because the state government has stopped them from operating at full capacity.  Please come and see homes with signs put out by people who have "self-quarantined" themselves out of fear and ignorance?  Many of whom have died alone in their homes because of their isolation.  And, I should mention, MA is a very liberal state electing Liz Warren and company. Without attempting to negate the effects of any virus, I decided with my husband that though emergency shutdowns for a couple of months we could live with that in the long run lives isolated or controlled by a regime which aspires to totalitarian control were not lives at all in the sense that God intended us to live them. So we interact with friends and associates, we go to work, and I should add that both my husband's company and the firm where I am employed, though continuing to flourish, have been negatively affected by government attempts to "cure" people by shutting down the economy. We are on the healthy side  but we do not expect to live entirely free of viruses or this and that disease. Now I don't know for a fact if I have had that so-called "Covid" or not but when I am sick I go with it and try to become better which so far I have been able to do. Now I respect the individual decisions made by people regarding their own conduct but for us life is not as worth living without freedom and without the capacity for individual responsibility and individual achievement. If I live then so be it. Now if I die then so be that!  Which is I guess why I consider myself a Republican. I believe in the interaction of one individual with another, not in the interaction of the individual only with the state.  
      December 23, 2020 8:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      December 23, 2020 8:17 AM MST