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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why can't President Joe Biden rescind/reverse/kill every bad thing bozohead did and only keep the good stuff? What is the "good stuff"?

Why can't President Joe Biden rescind/reverse/kill every bad thing bozohead did and only keep the good stuff? What is the "good stuff"?

Bozohead spent every waking moment trying to murder what President Barack Obama did. Tried to erase him from the history books as if he did not exist.

He failed. He lost. He whiffed. He struck out.

But among all the detritus and trash and crap and evil seamy slimy sludge is anything salvageable/worth keeping? What is the very best thing bozohead did in your opinion? Why?

Posted - December 23, 2020


  • 33856
    Anything done via EO, the next POTUS can undo. (With the notable exception of DACA....)
      December 23, 2020 4:42 AM MST