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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We are now suffering through the consequences of the promiscous thanksgiving vacationers. Ain't we got fun? We get to do it again. OH JOY?

We are now suffering through the consequences of the promiscous thanksgiving vacationers. Ain't we got fun? We get to do it again. OH JOY?

We get to suffer the consequences of the Christmas and New Year's revelers. Bigger and better and more than what we are going through thanksgivingwise.

Aren't you delighted and joyful? Gonna get drunk as skunks to keep the glow going? Good for you. Keep it. Double down. Have fun fun fun.

See you in the next life. If such should occur. Otherwise? So long goodby auf wiedersen adieu to you and you and you and you and you.

It was great fun but it was just one of those things.

Posted - December 23, 2020


  • 6098
    Fellowship is natural and makes us stronger as human beings.  Just as we naturally pass various germs and viruses among us from one to the other.  That is the natural order of things. Humans are made for fellowship, not for cowering in fear in corners.  Always in natural intercourse of persons there is a chance we will contract a disease our bodies are unable to handle and we will die. That has always been the way it is and the way it always will be. But the more our bodies acquaint themselves with and learn to handle various diseases then the stronger our immune systems can become and the better we are able to deal with what comes our way. Whereas cowering alone in fear we can have no natural interaction so we do not build up those immunities and thus we only weaken ourselves. 

    Since my marriage in 2011 I have entertained, with the help of some of our guests, 13 to 20 for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. This year I extended the usual invitations but some people were afraid to gather which is their business and that they decided not to accept this year I cannot hold against them.  So it is just my husband , the girls, one grandson, one husband, one boyfriend, Gerry's mother for part of the day and possible one other friend. 

    I feel it prudent to point out as well that many of us are not particularly political at all but we share a similar world view which to a large extent may be part and parcel of where and when we grew up and of course the various influences which came to bear on us.  So is not at all that we look to anyone like Trump to "follow" but rather that he agrees with and shares many of our world views.
      December 23, 2020 6:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      December 23, 2020 8:17 AM MST