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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whatta guy! He pardons the sleaze the scum the vermin. He puts a wrench in the Covid relief package. Then guess what the bozohead do?

Whatta guy! He pardons the sleaze the scum the vermin. He puts a wrench in the Covid relief package. Then guess what the bozohead do?

He and his missus fly off to Mar A Lago to fatten up more and frolic and celebrate!

Question is will he ever return to the white house? Is that the last we see of him there? How will he pull off living at mar a lago FULLTIME when he signed a waiver forbidding him to do so? He will simply ignore it since rules and regs and laws and justice and honor and integrity and honesty mean nothing to him. His neighbors don't want his fat a** anywhere near them so they are suing him. Unwanted wherever he goes. A pariah.

I know he can pardon from he** if he wishes. He doesn't need to remain in the oval office to do his dirty filthy deeds. He can do them from anywhere so he will continue raking in the big bucks as he pardons all the bad guys. A fright a blight a monster. And he has miles to go before he sleeps and promises to keep.

Posted - December 24, 2020
