Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When you PREPARDON peeps not yet charged with any crime you are admitting they are GUILTY of something as yet unknown. Why would you?
A smart person wouldn't accept a pardon if they were never charged of a crime (and one can't issue a pardon ahead of time). However, a lot of criminals aren't smart. D'oh!
I just learned that the supremes have ruled that when you accept a pardon you are admitting guilt and further a pardon does not expunge the crime from your record. In the bozohead bizarro world anything goes. What comes next is anyone's guess. A crapshoot. Are his dice loaded? Is the Pope Catholic? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! We all live life on the edge of his madness. I like that. I'll ask.
No, a pardon doesn't expunge one's record, and we already knew that accepting one meant you we admitting guilt (like, duh). Unfortunately, I have a feeling many people don't realize this. his paron-happiness can have long reaching negative results.