Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How were the 73 West Point Cadets caught cheating punished?

How were the 73 West Point Cadets caught cheating punished?

59 admitted it, 55 of whom were sent to REHAB
  4 resigned
  2 cases were dropped
  8 will have a hearing on those charges

How do you rehabilitate a CHEATER? Or a LIAR?

West Point takes pride in its history. THE HONOR CODE has always been of great importance. All incoming students are made aware of it.

I think all 73 should have been booted and never be allowed to return.

EVERYONE EVERYWHERE KNOWS THAT cheating is wrong. Lying is wrong.

You don't get a second chance for trying to get away with it and getting caught. Why should you?

Posted - December 25, 2020


  • 10571
    Lying and cheating are simply how things are these days.  It's almost expected; nay, required in life that one will lie and cheat.  Ethics are so old-fashioned.  Why, even children are taught (at an early age) that anything goes.  If you want to get ahead in this world just  lie and cheat.  Need a better job?  Simply lie on your resume (I mean, "embellish").  Need a better grade on a school test?  Write the answers on your shoes (call them a "learning aid").  Our leaders lie and cheat, so why can't we?  Famous sports players cheat (steroids, deflating footballs) then lie about it.  Shouldn't we have that same privilege as well?

    Rehab a cheater?  Get serious!  Let me guess, "they couldn't help but cheat, they had a bad life".  A punishment is meant to deter one from committing the same offence again.  Get caught speeding, you pay a hefty fine.  That large dent in your wallet may make you think twice before you go speeding again.  Rehab!  What a joke.  If you're caught cheating you get expelled - plain and simple.  That's how it works in every other school around the world.  Sorry, I forgot... West Pointers are "special".  
      December 25, 2020 11:11 AM MST

  • 113301
    Used to be standards were set and were met OR ELSE. Today the 'standards" conform to the lowest common denominator. Why? When did it change? Sigh. Thank you for your very thoughtful thumbnail sketch of reality. Is this the way it will always be? Once the bar is gone completely having been lowered and lowered and lowered anything goes I guess. Happy Saturday Shuhak! We must needs stiffen the upper lip turn the other cheek and just take it! :( This post was edited by RosieG at December 27, 2020 1:37 AM MST
      December 26, 2020 1:14 AM MST

  • 2706
    At West Point the Cadet Honor Code is literally inscribed in stone on campus, on the Cadet Honor Code monument: "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do." 

    The fact is the cadets broke the honor code. Why they broke it may or may not have a bearing on what the punishments will be. I'm not going to try to second guess West Point on what they should or shouldn't do. However, you are right, cheating is cheating and lying is lying and there's no place for it at West Point or any place else for that matter.
      December 25, 2020 2:08 PM MST

  • 113301
    Agreed. Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Sunday to you and yours. STAY SAFE!.
      December 27, 2020 2:23 AM MST