Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fireworks are used to celebrate, right? 4th of July and now greeting a new year. Without the sight of them it's a lot of NOISE. Fan/foe?

Fireworks are used to celebrate, right? 4th of July and now greeting a new year. Without the sight of them it's a lot of NOISE. Fan/foe?

Posted - January 1, 2021


  • 10560

    Thankfully, all personal fireworks are permanently banned here (trees + sparks = disaster).  Of course, that doesn't stop people from using them (cherry bombs, m80s, firecrackers). 

    I used to have a neighbor who, on New Year’s, would fire his rifle in the woods and shout, but last night - wow!  Last night, this area went to war! 
    It started at 9pm with what sounded like a cannon going off every 30 minutes (probably not a real cannon, but a very loud noise maker).  Around 10pm, the first gunshots were fired.  It was only a few isolated ones at first, but they increased in number as time went on.  At midnight, the "enemy" attacked.  Over half the people in the area were shooting guns (of all kinds) or lighting firecrackers, m80s and/or cherry bombs - all while the "cannon" fired repeatedly.  Around 12:30 am, with the enemy (2020?) in full retreat, the noise finally began to die down.  By 12:45, only a few isolated shots could be heard in the distance.  By 1am, the enemy was vanquished and silence once again fell over the area.

    Since what goes up must come down, I'll need to check the house for bullet holes.  

      January 1, 2021 10:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Are you surrounded by deep red deadheads? Republicans? Say it ain't so "joe" Say it ain't so. Geez you really have to deal with a lot just being where you are. What more can you endure? What next? Condolences. It was relatively quiet here but we are aretirement community of old people. I did hear some KA BOOMs now and then but when I looked out I saw no beautiful sight so all it was was just noise. So you live where there are gun people? Once again condolences. Hug the floor every night and hope to he** they don't go loony on ya and start shooting. Geez what will happen January 6? OMG. Maybe you should leave for a day and go somewhere to hide. We have no idea what January 6 will end up with or like. Do we? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. So you might as well be living in WATTS or HARLEM or wherever the he** people shoot everything on sight because they get off on it. Thank you for your reply. Now what? Any idea?.
      January 1, 2021 10:59 AM MST

  • 10560
    More like red necks.   This too is a retirement community (that's why there are so few job here), but it's also mostly rural.  Firing a gun in town would definitely cause a ruckus, but elsewhere....  not so much.  Oh, it'll hit facebook (I heard gunfire, the martians are landing), but its usually no biggie.  A lot of people have guns to get rid of farm predators (foxes, coyotes, and such) or to guard their marijuana grows.  Setting off  firecrackers, m80s or cherry bombs isn't legal, but how are they going to stop them?  

    I think a lot of people are really stressed out.  With the loss of jobs, the virus, the uncertainty, the volatile political scene (we have our share of trumpicans), as well as the feeling of helplessness, a lot of them are at their breaking point.  I think last night was a way for them to vent some of their frustrations.  I mean, they were even out banging on pots and pans.  Normal, no.  Scarry, a bit.  But we haven't turned into another Oakland... at least not yet. 
      January 1, 2021 12:08 PM MST

  • 113301
    Know what jumped out at me in your reply Shuhak? I think it might surprise you. This was way before your time. Ever hear of Orson Welles and his scaring the country with his radio version of "WAR OF THE WORLDS"? People thought Martians had landed on the east coast. They tuned in but there were no signals it was a radio show. It sounded like a news flash and panicked millions of people. NOw when was that broadcast? October 30, 1938. How do I know? Well that was my first birthday and my mom had gone to the drugstore to get some candles for my birthday cake. She saw the panic and heard what folks were saying and she tried to calm them down by telling them it was just a radio program not a news report. Because of that they changed the rules of broadcasting. Now there are many flags letting you know it isn't real. Getting back to your reply. We cannot ever afford to be at our breaking point Shuhak. The weak will not survive life. Too many trials and tribulations to be gotten through.  I have no sympathy for weak people. Sorry but I just don't. If I can handle things anyone can. I am not brave nor particularly brilliant. I am a survivor. I adjust. I make do. And I do not take it out on others. If I can do that I don't see why others can't do it too. Can you? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! I wonder what the "head" plans to do on DAY TWO of the spanking brand new year??
      January 2, 2021 3:23 AM MST