Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There's lots more going on than the despicable American dead "head" or the COVID 19 cases sickness deaths. Didja know?

There's lots more going on than the despicable American dead "head" or the COVID 19 cases sickness deaths. Didja know?

Justin Bieber is covering up his tats. I didn't know he had any.
"The Samsung Galaxy S21 to remove the micro SD Card Slot." I have no idea what that means. Do you?
The Quadrantid meteor shower will peak this weekend. Oh boy but will our weather permit our seeing it?
Ever hear of OUMUAMUA? Per Avi Loeb, Harvard Astronomy Department Chair, it may be an alien space object from an advanced civilization or its debris. He also said an alien visited earth in 2017 but gave no details.

There are also articles about Bitcoin Tesla Sports Entertainment Figures Electronic thingies Games.

We learn that MANY first-response health care workers REFUSE to take the vaccine. Swell right?

So the entire world goes on about its business as before. So many ways to invest your time. In what are you investing yours?


Posted - January 3, 2021


  • 3719
    Hooray! I am pleased you can find a few things to brighten the gloom.

    I don't much about this Justin Bieber (I've heard of him but that's all), and I can't think what his "tats" are but if they should be covered.... Oh. Of course, silly me! Tattoos! I vaguely remember a photo of him in swimming-shorts. If he'd not had them in the first place he'd not have to worry about covering them now.  
    The "micro SD card" Samsung is talking about, is the little, portable data-storage card holding the image files in many digital cameras. I assume the Galaxy is one of Samsung's range of smart-phones, so removing the SD slot means you would not be able to use your camera card to transfer photos to your phone - unless the instruments can be connected by a USB lead instead. Which would be a better way, in fact.

    I hope you have clear skies for the meteor showers!

    I think Oumuamua is an object in a far-flung orbit, way out on the fringes of the Solar System, in a region now known to be generously sprinkled with odd lumps of rock or ice, comets and the like. Natural debris, not rubbish left by alien fly-tippers! 

      January 4, 2021 3:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    First of all thank you for noticing the switch in focus m'dear. Actually duckhead is a very boring single-level monstrous abomination. Nothing there but hot air and devastation. How many ways can you fry an egg? Thank you for explaining the micro SD card. I'm way far behind the curve when it comes to electronic thingies. I still use the old keyboard and desk top. I like them so why switch to something just because it's new and improved? But I do wonder now and then about what a bitcoin is and who cares? Thank you for your reply Durdle! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 6, 2021 2:35 AM MST
      January 5, 2021 2:02 AM MST

  • 3719
    My computer's a proper one as well, partly because I want a large screen for some of the software I use.

    I am guessing that Samsung is removing the SD card reader from its phones because so many "smart"-'phone users take all the photos they want, with the 'phone's own camera.

    Many things are "new" - but not always "improved"! 

    I don't really understand  Bitcoin either - but I am not in the sort of financial league that might use it! All I know is that it is some form of virtual currency used on the Internet, but I haven't the foggiest who set it up, who runs it, how it works and how it relates to real national currencies. It all sounds suspicious to me - something from the world of secretive money-trading, off-shore tax-havens and numbered Swiss bank-accounts.
      January 5, 2021 1:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    Virtual money? What anchors it? It seems very suspicious to me too. Is it just another hifalootin way to scam con people? I'm with you on this. It seems seamy not seemly. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Durdle.
      January 6, 2021 3:38 AM MST

  • 3719
    It seems just as suspicious to me.

    It uses a system called "block chain", and I have heard that explained but never grasped it. It might have been set up with the best intentions but to me it seems to belong to the world of just-about-legal or even illegal international money transfers - and that's  certainly not my world! 
      January 8, 2021 4:01 PM MST

  • 113301
    Block chain? Synonym for flim-flam? Imagine the effort it takes to come up with schemes like this and what kind of mind/brain would find that appealing? Weird. I wonder how many different levels of life there are Durdle?. The level at which we live certainly doesn't include two bit bitcoin itsy bitsy this and that. Schemes to scam con. I wonder who was the first con artist scammer? I shall ask. Of course there is no way to know the answer to that but maybe someone has an idea where it might have originated. Thank you for your informative reply. We all are trying to live our best lives I suppose. But what is "best" for those folks always involves schemes. I wish I knew why? :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 9, 2021 3:04 PM MST
      January 9, 2021 2:54 AM MST

  • 3719
    Block  chain's not a synonym for 'flim-flam'. It's just the technical term for how bit-coin transactions work - but I haven't the foggiest what it means and how they act. 

    I don't know how bit-coins, the digital currency units, are valued against real currencies like $, £, Yen and Euro. Nor who, if anyone, supervises the system.

    I don't think it was set up to aid crime but like anything else involving moving lots of money around, I don't suppose it was long before the brightest financial-criminal types were sniffing round it.
      January 9, 2021 3:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    Money grubbing money hungry greedy hoors are everywhere. Top to bottom society is full of them and they are all full of "it". I'm sure much that is criminal is involved. Like Ponzi schemes. Off shore bank accounts. Anything and everything just to get their hands on that MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY. All movers and shakers are money grubbers. The lowest of low on the totem pole of character. In my opinion. Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      January 11, 2021 2:47 AM MST