Sadly his CHEATING strategy was infectious and communicable and everyone he touched caught it. Thus you see the calumny of the "republicans who are cheating". They cain't hep it. They is doomed. Their brains were overtaken by this cheating worm which now expanded to take up all the room.
So the old dead "head" cheater and his infected supporters will try once again to cheat their way to "victory".
In so doing they are traitors who are calling for violence and "wild" times as promised by the CHEATING LOSER dead "head". "Come to D.C." he sez. "It will be a wild ride." Up your a** with a piece of glass you cretin! LOSER LOSER CHEATER LOSER CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER LIAR LIAR LIAR
A piece of trash that can't be tossed soon enough. The stench will remain though. The stench is unbearable.