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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The SIMPLES always believe what they are told to believe and lable "FAKE" whatever doesn't fit the dogma. The Complexes?

The SIMPLES always believe what they are told to believe and lable "FAKE" whatever doesn't fit the dogma. The Complexes?

That is a horse of a different color entirely.

The are ALWAYS questionting examing investigating researching quantifying quantifying actively curiositying.

They are ALWAYS OPEN to learning something and seek search for won't settle for anything less than what is TRUE.

Of course the simples congeal together and the complexes do likewise. They are drawn to one another and cannot settle for "the other".

And so it goes. Which of them contributes more to the world? The simples or the complexes?

Posted - January 4, 2021
