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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Spacing matters. I saw the below on TV and it made an impact on me. What about thee?

Spacing matters. I saw the below on TV and it made an impact on me. What about thee?



What a difference a space makes.

Are you meticulous about your spacing? There is no room for error here. Meaning is made meaningless without it.

Posted - January 4, 2021


  • 10571
    We have come to rely heavily on computer spell/grammar checks to ensure what we write is correct.  So much so that many people don't know proper grammar or how to spell (and using acronyms like "LOL" and "OMG" don't help much).  Now, I must confess that I too am guilty of using a spell checker when I type.  It's not that I can't spell, rather that I think as fast as a starship, but type as fast as a tricycle.   
    To save money and time, media companies (books and news) have completely eliminated their proofreading staff, in favor of the computer spell/grammar checker.  And it shows.  Many of their spelling and grammar errors stand out like sore thumbs...

    "Psycho the rapist" instead of "Psychotherapist"

    "Let's eat grandpa" instead of "Let's eat, grandpa".

    or my favorite, "Their is a 40% chance of rain today."

    I wonder if the reason there are so many bad relationships out there is due to people not knowing grammar and instead relying on a spell/grammar checker...

    Here's a "Dear John" letter -

    Dear John:

    I want a man who knows what love is all about.
    You are generous, kind, thoughtful.
    People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior.
    You have ruined me for other men.
    I yearn for you.
    I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart.
    I can be forever happy.
    Will you let me be yours?



    Um, I think they meant to say - 

    Dear John:

    I want a man who knows what love is.
    All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you.
    Admit to being useless and inferior.
    You have ruined me.
    For other men, I yearn.
    For you, I have no feelings whatsoever.
    When we’re apart, I can be forever happy.
    Will you let me be?



      January 4, 2021 1:43 PM MST

  • 113301
    'let's eat grandpa"? Hahahahahahahaha! Oh my goodness but that is a funny line. I like it a lot. Am I a latent cannibal? Here's one.   Time flies you cannot they fly at such irregular intervals.  Time flies? You cannot. They fly at such irregular intervals.    Let's eat grandpa! Bet you laughed right? How can you not? And psycho the rapist? WHOA! I think the lack of comprehension is a pandemic. People do not understand what they hear or read or say. It all flows out like bilge water and they don't know the difference between gibberish and profound. It's all the same to them. Hard to communicate with such as they but well we try anyway. They have no interest in honing their skills. They believe they already are the best. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I wonder how often we don't understand what's going on? Think it could be 50/50?
      January 5, 2021 2:44 AM MST