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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. Because we won the state." Per "head"?

"All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have. Because we won the state." Per "head"?

The dead. The dead "head". Over an hour overheard by more than one.

Now Georgia did the election fair and square and honest and legal then did a recount then did another recount then did another recount. NO FRAUD was found. NONE. The dead "head" insists he won the state and ORDERED DEMANDED INSISTED COMMANDED that Secretary of the State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger, A REPUBLICAN do his bidding but to his credit Raffensberger refused to cave obey submit commit fraud by doing what the dead "head" DEMANDED he do.  "Find 11,780 votes". What a MAFIA DON ORDERS done gets done. A dead "head" don thinks he has that same power over everyone. HE IS INCORRECT ABOUT THAT. STUPID DUMB usually is incorrect.

Another nail in the coffin of the corrupt crooked criminal. BY HIS OWN HAMMER THAT HE HIMSELF KEPT WIELDING.

This man is so stupid dumb he kept going and repeating and beseeching and BEGGING and GROVELING and whining and ORDERING and DEMANDING and INSISTING. For at least one hour. No one is that dumb except the dead "head". He takes the cake when it comes to stupid dumb.

But his adoring worshippers will stick with him. They adore treason and traitors galore and he keeps giving 'em more and more and more of what they adore. Carry on Grasshopper. Keep it up. You've only just begun to humiliate yourself. Do it again and again and again and again. Only got a few more days to shame yourself and demean and denigrate and derogate and desecrate yourself further as you get mired in the legalities of what? EXTORTION? TREASON for a reason in season is pleasin'. No sneezin or wheezin or teasin or?

Whatta a clown. It's gonna get way better folks. Way better. Watch the madman set fire to himself. Coming soon to a TV screen near you.

Posted - January 4, 2021


  • 33886
    The votes are found. 
    More than that counted in the middle of the night after they sent everyone home. 
    Under GA law those votes do not count....

    Also found them with dead, out of state, no address, wrong address, non registered voters, etc..

    They need to do a real investigation. Let J Hutton Pulitzer audit the ballots. 
      January 4, 2021 6:58 AM MST