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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How far do we go in bending/ignoring ethical standards when engaged in scientific "progress"? Where is that line or is there none?

How far do we go in bending/ignoring ethical standards when engaged in scientific "progress"? Where is that line or is there none?

Infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 1932-1972 40 YEARS

The CDC and the US Public Health Service partnered in a study to determine what the normal progress of syphilis would be if left untreated. 600 African America men were recruited and told they would be treated for it. None knew they were to be guinea pigs. They were told the study would last six months. They were lied to.

Of the 600 in the test 399 had latent syphilis and 201 were not infected. 128 died pver that time from syphilis I expect.

Why was the study ended? Because the horror was leaked to the press and so it ended November 16, 1972.

Mind you the standard treatment for syphilis began in 1947 with Penicillin. These poor humans were never given anything to end the syphilis or mitigate it.

600 humans, all African American, were treated as lab rats. No conscience no guilt no nothing. 40 years of scientific observation. After all science must make progress right? By whatever means necessary/possible. Right?

Yes the government is cruel and evil and will lie to justify whatever it wishes. We the people are sitting ducks or lab rats depending upon the degree of indifference disdain contempt with which we are viewed and what we are being subjected to for those in power who have all the control over us.

I believe in Germany scientific marvels were engaged in. Didn't the Nazis make lampshades out of human skin?

And so it goes. Do unto others before they do unto you? Whatever.

Posted - January 4, 2021
