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"L.A. County ambulance crews told not to transport patients with little chance of survival." Coming to a city near you too?

Posted - January 5, 2021


  • 10560

    And all because people refuse to listen.

    The wise saw the impending disaster and sought to lessen the severity.  They cried, "Don't travel, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and wash your hands, lest this tragedy overtakes us."
    The leaders laughed and mocked the wise.  They called them liars, and insisted that all was well. 
    And the people played.

    The wise cried out, "Calamity is at our doorstep!  Shut down non-essential businesses - bars, gyms, beauty parlors, stay at home, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, wash your hands; else there will be great misery and death.
    Again, the leaders scoffed at the wise.  They said they were exaggerating and only wanted to repress the people.  All was still well.   
    And the people were confused.

    And, lo!  disaster struck.  People began to get very sick; some dying.
    The wise continued their cry, “Stay at home, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and wash your hands.  If you’ll only do this, the calamity will be short.
    The leaders began to blame others for the “situation” - other nations, the wise, political parties, nature.  They said things weren’t nearly as bad as they seemed and that all would be well …shortly.   
    And the people were greatly afraid.

    The calamity worsened.  Sickness began to spread far and wide.
    The wise implored the people to stay at home, wear a mask, stay 6' apart, and wash your hands.  “If you do this you may live.”
    The leaders bickered among themselves.  Some said all was still well, others weren’t so sure anymore.
    And the people wept.

    Soon, the stench of death permeated the land.  Death shadow had fallen on nearly every household.  Not even the leaders were immune from its cold, icy grip.  Corpses were stacked like firewood in every city and town. 
    Some leaders now tried to head the advice of the wise, others continued to mock them.

    And the people died.

      January 5, 2021 12:56 PM MST

  • 113301
    The worst is yet to come...in California most assuredly. Now many of us, our ilk, from the VERY BEGINNING that guidance was given COMPLIED and CONTINUED TO COMPLY. We masked and gloved and social distanced and washed hands and did not congregate in massive groups to while away the hours. Every day since March we have faithfully executed our duties as American citizens. Not once sliding back or ignoring it. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month. And we are continuing to do the same thing. No shortchanging or cheating. And WE ARE SUFFERING for the ones who refuse to make any effort to save lives including their own. They don't care if they infect their so-called "loved ones" and they die. Whatever. Life goes on. That's it. That's all there is to it. You have the rule supporters and the rule ignorers and the rule supporters are always the ones who pay the price. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. I wish the perps would all pay the price for their callous indifference. I know you don't. I do. An eye for an eye after all is not a bad idea. :(
      January 6, 2021 4:51 AM MST