Me too - but don't ask what it means. When you inadvertently, or even vertently, step off the causeway into the bottomless mire, whatever you intended to do there goes out the window because your only concern is to get back to terra firma without some awful catastroscope (as Jennings would have said) occurring, and you'll just have to hold it till you get home. Anyway, a happy new year to anyone who isn't having one yet (except for you reprobates - you know who you are).
I have loved you a zillion ways, unaware,
from infancy to aging days, unaware.
You’re the life-force in a lover’s eyes while he
spends his semen making babies, unaware.
I see you in the Corella’s somersault.
Your glee, in her screech as she plays, is aware.
Hatching little fish in mangrove estuaries,
you’re in the Moon’s every phase, unaware.
You’re in the Sun’s photon rays that succour life
and boil greenhouse gases in your gaze, unaware.
You Big Bang. You atom. You dark matter. You,
the energy that wields and weighs, unaware.
I, Manna, love you a zillion varied ways,
while you revolve in your displays, unaware.