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Discussion » Questions » Animals (Wild) » With the realization that some particular creature is the last living representative of its species on the planet, people may get emotional

With the realization that some particular creature is the last living representative of its species on the planet, people may get emotional

If you are one of these sensitive, caring, humans, how would you describe your own feelings on discovering the fact? 
If, instead, you preferred to just laugh it off, what joke or comment would be most befitting the occasion?   

Posted - January 6, 2021


  • 1305
    We've lost a lot of species, but if it's decline is related to the human species then I do find it sad, but I've seen the mentality of a lot of the people in and around where I live, they don't care about wildlife, they don't even care about each other, and just live day to day, completely oblivious to how their destructive behaviour impacts on the environment. I also blame the elite, because despite what they say, they don't give two craps about wildlife, you can tell by all the housing estates that are being erected in my area turning it into a concrete jungle, while killing the wildlife, and pushing what is left into urban areas, all they want to do is tax us, they don't care about animals, it's those kinds of people than can afford to go on tiger hunts, and fly private jets to climate change meetings etc.

    So here's the joke...

    This post was edited by kjames at January 6, 2021 6:45 PM MST
      January 6, 2021 3:42 PM MST

  • 423
    Ah, a lot of reality and sadness in all that. I recall coming across a Kentish woodland felled for 'development', stacked timber and smouldering fires everywhere, and what had been a large pond recently in the heart of the woods, with a probably confused, solitary dragonfly patrolling up and down over the fast-evaporating pool and the crushed woodland flowers. I recall seeing a Pied Woodpecker that day too. When I hear 'now believe extinct in the wild, but a few left in zoos around the world' what can that be but a prelude to the inevitable.       
      January 6, 2021 6:57 PM MST

  • 1305
    Yes, so much for the Garden Of England, they were always going to concrete over the South East, and they are doing a good job of it.
      January 7, 2021 4:54 PM MST