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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We won this election by a landslide" sayith the dickhead pig. All 74 million who voted for him believe him. What is to be done with them?

"We won this election by a landslide" sayith the dickhead pig. All 74 million who voted for him believe him. What is to be done with them?

They are all clearly INSANE.

But mental asyluming 74 million crackpots may not be physically feasible. Can we auction them off to other countries? To be used in experiments perhaps? Nothing deadly or deforming or crippling. Just well you know use them by giving them tests to pass which determine the degree of their insanity. Upsurge downsurge even steven?

It would be a captive dependable test base free of charge. Different trials and tests and challenges and hoops and obedience training could be documented and shared with other loony tune bins. Knowledge of how to deal with the mentally deficient could help those crackpots to be born futurely.

Of course if no one buys them we'd be stuck. We can't just let them sink or swim or float so we'd have to house them.

So we'd need 74 buildings each housing one million crackpots. Which states are big enough and empty enough of population to accommodate that? All red states of course because well they like to take care of their own kind. Montana? Wyoming? The Dakotas? I dunno never having been there. Now the staffs of each would have to be gigantic. Well those are puny details that can be figured out. Exciting times ahead. Get the loony tunes out of society and house them where they can all be together forever till death them do part. They have a lot in common. They would never get upset because no one there would ever disagree with them. Wouldn't that be nice for the crazies for a change? Lots of work to do on it. Stay tuned.

Posted - January 9, 2021


  • 3719
    All of 'em? I thought many were now turning their backs on him. They'd probably still support the Republican Party, but not Donald Trump.

    I heard Trump's son's comment about the Republican Party having become Trump's Party, but because they were words read from transcripts, not original recordings, I could not determine if he meant it as an observation or a boast.
      January 9, 2021 4:12 PM MST

  • 113301
    Well TRAITOR DON did an abysmal job in 4 years. 74 million voted for him IN SPITE OF IT. Now since he is front and center a TRAITOR who tried to  have his thugs successful coup some may be distancing themselves from him. Too late. The time that mattered was in the voting and in the choosing a swine pig devil. They are of no value even if they now don't want any part of him. The time that it mattered they were nowhere to be found. I have no use for them. Sorry. Thank you for your reply Durdle. I'm a tough cookie.
      January 10, 2021 2:15 AM MST

  • 3719

    You certainly are a "tough cookie"! :-)

    Ignoring the way-out fantasists and paramilitaries, maybe their loyalty to the Party and its ideology blinded a lot of mainstream Republican supporters to the faults of the leader. Or at least, they tolerated him because they wanted a Republican-led government.

    Often, in democracies, people vote for a given party because they've always done so, their parents did, their grandparents did... No thinking, no analysis, just easy habit.

    Even so, most supporters of any party are so because they believe in its basic principles, it supports their desires and grievances; and it reflects their views at governmental level. That is vital for any democracy, irrespective of things going wrong in a single, short political term.

    If we take a longer view, over decades not simply from election to election, we see that a healthy democracy does need at least two opposing parties to reflect opposing views in society. It needs whichever party is in opposition to represent its own supporters in parliament and to either support the governing party or hold it to account, as and when necessary. 

    Dismissing nearly half of the voting population as valueless for their electoral choice does not gain anything except division. The whole point of such a principle is that a party or leader that proves incompetent or undemocratic, can be voted out of office,  but not by devaluing or disenfranchising its supporters.  

    Donald John Trump proved himself a disaster as President and as Republican Party leader, but he was just one leader. With basically only two parties to choose from, over the decades not terms, the electorate of the United States of America needs both the Democratic and the Republican Parties, and it needs them be strong and healthy. Otherwise the results could be a slow decline of the nation far worse than a momentary aberration of one inexperienced, inept but demagogic individual leading one of those parties for just four years  - or even eight if he had been elected for a second term.

      January 11, 2021 2:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    I just finished posting a reply on another thread of ours Durdle. WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE CHOOSE THE DARK OVER THE LIGHT? I don't get it Why choose hate over "getting along:"? Why choose harming rather than helping? Why choose to lie rather than to tell the truth? Naive right? But I honestly don't get it. For me living life honestly means logically sanely and that entails being cooperative not combative. The amount of HATE in the environment churned up and multiplied by TRAITOR DOn is unknown.  But it is a mountain that stands in the way of living our best life. A barrier to what sane normal logical peaceful people SHOULD BE DRAWN TO. Being weaponized 24/7 and stirring up hate for "the other" is ridiculous ludicrous counterproductive and growing stronger. Explain it to me if you can. I am not smart enough to get it. It is puzzling. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      January 11, 2021 2:58 AM MST