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Discussion » Questions » Paranormal » Imagine if human physiology only allowed for reproductive functions to begin after age 30. No other puberty-related function(s) would change

Imagine if human physiology only allowed for reproductive functions to begin after age 30. No other puberty-related function(s) would change


from the ways they currently exist, such as the ways the body grows.

Basically put, it means that all human reproductive functions, fertilization, the child-bearing years and/or menstruation, the production of spermatozoa are moved from early teens to later in life.

The ability for women to produce eggs and for men to produce sperm are both abated until the early thirties, AND that women’s health conditions and physical abilities were sufficient for carrying the babies to full term, giving birth, nursing, and all of the other motherhood-involved activities. 

What are some of the possibilities for ways life and society and culture and customs as we know then might differ or would differ?*

*Abstract thinking outside of existing conditions and current limitations are required in order to conceptualize an imaginary scenario like this one. Please see the first word of the post. 


Posted - January 9, 2021


  • 10052

    I cannot really imagine it. Puberty without what comes with it from beginning menstruation would be a real game-changer for pubescent-aged girls. 

    Without any fear of pregnancy, I'm pretty sure that STDs would be even more rampant than they are now. 
      January 9, 2021 7:06 PM MST