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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » During the siege when GOP and Dems were locked away for their protection the GOP REFUSED to wear masks. REFUSED. Guess what?

During the siege when GOP and Dems were locked away for their protection the GOP REFUSED to wear masks. REFUSED. Guess what?

If there is any way at all to be an a**hole you can count on the TRAITOR DON GOP to be it.

They snickered at the DEM who was offering them FACE MASKS to wear during the FORCED jamming together of all the pols. They mocked and they ridculed and they high-horsed and high-fived and well the inevitable occurred as it always does when you mix humans with jacka**es in very close quarters. The jacka** poop carries disease. And they poop everywhere they go. Either end..

They are a sorry lot. They will meet their maker and their doom...either singularly or collectively.

What price should you pay for infecting others with a disease that may not kill them but could cripple them for life? And of course could kill them?

Two DEM congresswomen tested positive for the COVID. They both attribute it to their being jammed together with the unmasked TRAITOR DON pols.

A pox on their houses for eternity. A pox on them. May they suffer for their extreme indifference. Long time coming.

Posted - January 12, 2021
