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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly 80% of the Republican party members believe the 2020 prez election was fraudulent and that TRAITOR DON won by a landslide. WHY?

Allegedly 80% of the Republican party members believe the 2020 prez election was fraudulent and that TRAITOR DON won by a landslide. WHY?

I wonder if they realize if that were true the enormously MASSIVE conspiracy it would have taken to effect that?

That would involve millions of people. MILLIONS. How is that logical? Anyone?

The Republicans who were election OFFICIALS verified the validity of the results.They all voted for TRAITOR DON. Were they in on this conspiracy too? You know the ones that TRAITOR DON kept calling and begging to "find" votes. The ones TRAITOR DON kept begging to "recalculate"? Republicans who VOTED FOR HIM he has attacked because they did the RIGHT thing. Reported the truth. They recounted and reverified and recounted and reverified and recounted and reverified and the results always came up the same.

80% of Republicans believe him? I don't get it.

Posted - January 14, 2021
