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Stu Spelling Bee
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Radicalized by CONSTANT LIES". Mushbrains of course. Only mushbrains would keep buying lie after lie after lie. Deadheads? Zombies?

"Radicalized by CONSTANT LIES". Mushbrains of course. Only mushbrains would keep buying lie after lie after lie. Deadheads? Zombies?

TRAITOR DON early on choose LYING ALL THE TIME as his way to success. Shockingly it worked. More of his ilk will follow that path to success. How swell a legacy. What could be finer?

Posted - January 15, 2021


  • 13395
    The BIG LIE.. that the Democrats, the media and the Deep State stole the election.
      January 15, 2021 11:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    I WUZ ROBBED. That's all Don GUano does 24/7 as he struts and frets his time upon the stage..and then is heard no more! WE WISH! Thank you for your reply Kg.
      June 15, 2021 6:27 AM MDT