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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you apreciating the silver lining in every day? NO TWEETS from a raving ranting psycopath! NO TRAITOR DON DAILY DUMBS! HEAVEN?

Are you apreciating the silver lining in every day? NO TWEETS from a raving ranting psycopath! NO TRAITOR DON DAILY DUMBS! HEAVEN?

Posted - January 16, 2021


  • 19938
    Well, I don't have a Twitter account, so it's just what was reported on other platforms.  I will admit that I am quite happy not to be hearing or seeing him and I have deleted many political posts that I've seen on Facebook and Yahoo.  I don't want to read more about what a pr*ck Trump is - I already knew that before he was elected.
      January 16, 2021 9:11 AM MST

  • 113301
    Precisely my point. Every day began with what TRAITOR DON had tweeted was tweeting. Some days he went berserk and would tweet HUNDREDS of LIES and forward HUNDREDS of LIES all crackpot idiot mentally defective based in QANON LIES of course but I read he has 90MILLION followers. So 174 MILLION voted for TRAITOR DON. WHY WEREN'T they devoted tweet followers too? It boggles the mind and I cannot afford any more mind boggling. I am GRATEFUL not to have to subject myself to the crappy whinya** victim tweets from TRAITOR DON that was always based in his alternate reality where he thrives on DELUSION and LIES. It's awesome good not to have to fast forward through all that crap on news shows where the folks reporting felt OBLIGATED to show us. He pooped and vomited every day. Now he probably still does but we don't have to witness it! How is that not awesomely wondrous? I don't Facebook or Yahoo. I'm just here in my little corner of the world. Thankfully so far so good. Thank you for your reply L! :) We're still good, right? This post was edited by RosieG at January 16, 2021 11:52 AM MST
      January 16, 2021 10:26 AM MST

  • 19938
    Of course we're still good.  We both know we don't agree on everything and that's perfectly fine.  
      January 16, 2021 11:52 AM MST