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It's CRAZY, but in the absense of PROOF, SOME of us believe the election is RIGGED. If you happen to HAVE some proof, wanna share it???

Posted - October 19, 2016


  • 691
    I used to feel this way when I voted democrat. Now that I am against the democrat candidate I am seeing the other side. It is more concerning when dead people are voting against what you want and busloads of people are voting multiple times against what you want and illegals and others who should not vote are voting against what you want. It stops feeling like a dozen people here and there and feels like something that needs to stop. It is all perspective. When it was the other way I did not really think it happened at all.
      October 19, 2016 6:53 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello IT:

    Thanks.  I appreciate that..  But, I'm looking for PROOF, not stories..

      October 19, 2016 6:59 AM MDT

  • 691
    There has been proof of voter fraud in individual cases. I do not see how proof can be found for widespread fraud when the system that enables also has the effect of making it impossible to track.
    If you take the idea that hypothetically 5% of votes are fraud and are dead voting or duplicate voting or illegals voting what would the proof look like?  If there is no way that proof can manifest then when you say there is not much voter fraud that is a theory that cannot be tested. If I take you to a poor village with no testing equipment and give you a glass of water to drink that looks slightly dirty would you accept that it is safe because no test can be performed to learn otherwise? It makes as much sense to accept that it is unsafe because no test exists to prove it is safe.
    So prove that voter fraud is not happening? You cannot prove that any more than proving that it is happening because we do not allow the test to exist.
      October 19, 2016 1:54 PM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello again, IT:

    That's a nice story..  I have one too..  Only mine takes place on the GROUND, where people LIVE...

    Let's say that I wanted to commit voter fraud.  First off, I'd have to find a dead guy, and then buy some phony ID for him, so I could register him...  Then on voting day, I'd have to wait in line to cast MY vote, and then wait in line again to cast his vote. 

    Now, that's an awful lot of work, money and risk just to cast ONE fraudulent vote.  I don't think many people are gonna DO that.  You do.

      October 19, 2016 2:11 PM MDT

  • 691
    That does sound like a lot of work but remember some democrat in Virginia got caught after he registered 19 dead people to vote so the work must have been worth it. There are other ways so here is a simple way: I'm an illegal and I want to commit voter fraud so I register to vote where they do not check my citizenship and then I vote. Or I am a NY resident who also is registered in florida for a vacation home and I vote in person and with absentee ballot like tens of thousands of people can do. Also it is easy for students.  People will spend hours each day spamming this answremug place with political comments with the probability of affecting zero votes so would they not invest even more effort if the payoff of 1 or more  votes was certain?
      October 19, 2016 6:32 PM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello again, IT:

    Personally, I would NOT spend money, risk 5 years in the slam, and do all that work for votes..  I wouldn't even do it for money..  I still don't know anybody who would..  That doesn't mean somebody wouldn't..  There's always a nut or two out there..  But, I don't think that's the kind of voter fraud you're talking about.

      October 19, 2016 6:43 PM MDT

  • 34615

    These are examples of politicians admiring that they know and even explain how they commit voter fraud. The last one has been working with Clinton and just resigned. He has been to the White House over 300 times.... 
    Just one fraudulent vote is too many.

      October 19, 2016 6:55 PM MDT

  • 3934
    Re: "Just one fraudulent vote is too many."

    BULLS**T!  That ls like saying even one car crash or one cancer victim is too many. You wouldn't spend the resources necessary to eliminate every possible car crash, nor would you spend the resources to eliminate every possible case of voter fraud.

    In a nation of 218 million elegible voters, one fraudulent vote is insignificant.

    But, of course, the pleasing metaphoric construct of TEH N*GG*RS, SP*CS, AND STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ IZ STEELING OUR ELECTSHUNZ must be maintained, so people will stay ridiculous nonsense liket that...;-D..
      October 19, 2016 7:09 PM MDT

  • 34615
    The examples I gave are much more than one vote. They have admitted to fraud. Getting voters and driving them from polling station to polling station. And how in NY they give IDs out with no verification. Also leads to ID theft. 
    Then new guy who just resigned....
    I don't use the words, you are so well at stringing together....all those racial slurs. Disgusting words.
      October 19, 2016 7:47 PM MDT

  • 3934
    @m2c -- I'll make a deal with you and your fellow Right-Wing Authoritarians.

    To begin with, I will concede there are some examples of voter fraud and many of those are done by people on the political left. That being stipulated, I will quit calling you and your fellow RWAFs F***ING HYPOCRITES when you do one of the following:

    1) Spend AT LEAST as much of your time/energyyammering on voter disenfranchisement, which is primarily carried out by the political right and dwarfs voter fraud by AT LEAST two orders of magitude (i.e. for every instance of vote fraud you can find, you can find 100 people illegally disenfranchised)

    2) Admit that this is really about you not wanting TEH STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ voting, so you don't care if, to cite one example, a GOP secretary of state purges THOUSANDS of legitimate (mostly Democratic) voters from the voter rolls (cf, Florida - 2000)

    3) STFU

    I'll stop using "disgusting words" when you quit expressing disgusting concern trolling/F***ING HYPOCRISY about the sanctity of our elections. This post was edited by OldSchoolTheSKOSlives at October 19, 2016 10:49 PM MDT
      October 19, 2016 10:49 PM MDT

  • 34615
    What I have said more than once, no one, no organization etc should be registering people to vote. The who system needs scraped. Make it to where you go get your ID at the DMV. During that process they should be required to verify ID and citizenship. As long as you are a citizen you are registered automatically. No citizenship no registration.  If people cannot afford an ID then there should be a program (a form to file) and then the ID should be free.  And you should be required to show ID to vote.   
    Why have all the games just so people can game the system?... eliminate the game.
      October 20, 2016 4:51 AM MDT

  • 2500
    Here you go.

    A real unbiased, non-partisan scientific study done at a major university to back up the claim of rigging/voter fraud. Seems that quite a few illegals have registered and voted and that illegal voting has actually changed the outcomes of a number of close races. No BULLS**T about it!

    Here's the link:

    And here's the source of the data that was analyzed:
      October 19, 2016 11:06 PM MDT

  • 3934

    @Salty Herbert -- As I noted in my reply above, I will concede some amout of vote fraud does occur.

    But the notion that "even one fraudulent vote is too many" is still bulls**t. Yes, it's a wonderful ideal, but not achieveable in the real world.

    Yes, you can be a RWAF and stamp your foot like a petulant child, demanding that the world be perfect for you. Or you can live in the real world where uncertainty in elections cannot be brought below an irreducible minimum. I cannot recall the exact numbers, but my recollection is the amount of influence voter fraud produces is significantly smaller than the inherent margin of error.

    Or, put it another way: how much would you be willing to spend to eliminate whatever amount of voter fraud currently exists in our elections? $1 billion/year? $10 billion/year? $100 billion/year? At what point would the financial burden of acheiving a "perfect" election outweigh the benefits gained by such refinement. If you say "No amount is too great!" you are simply deluded. Even in wars of existential survival, there comes a point where the cost of "victory" outweighs the benefits such a "victory" would bring (cf. out-of-the-blue nuclear first strikes). Elections are not immune from that principlel, no matter how much RWAFs wish to believe their flowery rhetoric.

    This post was edited by OldSchoolTheSKOSlives at October 19, 2016 11:26 PM MDT
      October 19, 2016 11:25 PM MDT

  • 2500
    HaHaHaHaHa . . .

    Oh, OS . . . you're SO funny!

    Are you by any chance related to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf? I ask because reading your threads reminds me so much of that series of skits from Saturday Night Live back during the first first gulf war. He kept telling the world how badly the Iraqi military was beating the US forces. The last skit in the series was with old "Baghdad Bob" standing in front of the camera with that same tired old message while the victorious US troops were gathering around him for photo ops.
      October 20, 2016 12:33 PM MDT