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Do you ever get excited about anything? Math, science, music, poetry, other? What rings your chimes, floats your boat? WHY?

Posted - January 16, 2021


  • 19938
    I'm excited that Johnson & Johnson is expecting their Covid-19 vaccine to be approved by the FDA shortly.  Their vaccine is a one-dose-only and doesn't have to be kept at super-low temperatures.  Having one more vaccine available means it will be easier to get those who want it vaccinated.  Right now, you couldn't get an appointment to get the shot for love or money in my area.  They give you a number to call and either no one answers or they tell you that they have no slots available and to go on line.  You go on the website and it's almost impossible to figure out how to make an appointment and, when you do, there are no availabilities.  Unless we get more doses quickly, NYC will run out of vaccine in about a week.  New York State received 50,000 fewer doses from the feds than it was told to expect.  I'm sure we weren't the only state.  

    Quite honestly, at this point, I'm not prepared to stand on a line overnight to get the shot, so I'll sit back and wait.  My office is not expected to fully re-open before April, if then.  As long as I'm able to work from home, there's no rush for me. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at January 17, 2021 11:40 AM MST
      January 16, 2021 8:39 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm going to wait for one that is one dose only. I've heard some ghastly stories about the two dose.
     One gal said after the first dose she had some unpleasant side effects and soreness but after the second dose she was in agony for about 30 hours! I am too old to be in agony for any length of time. So I'm waiting until there is one we take with MINIMAL side effects. Meanwhile the hermit life for me! It seems that all of the doses the TRAITOR DON gubment was ostensibly holding back for use as second doses did not exist! So no state has gotten what was promised. Meanwhile I read that some doses have spoiled and need to be discarded. Till the end the TRAITOR DON gubment is out to kill us. One way or the other! Thank you for your reply L! :)
      January 17, 2021 12:33 AM MST

  • 19938
    I wonder when there was ever a time when the government was organized and helped the little guy.  Maybe during FDR's administration.
      January 17, 2021 7:03 AM MST

  • 113301
    Very much so. My parents adored him and most Working class Americans did as well. Even though he was from a very wealthy privileged and distinguished family for whatever reason he cared about the little guy. And ELEANOR? Oh my goodness she was his greatest asset in her own right. An amazing woman. Yes. It would have to be FDR. Now Lyndon Johnson worked on Civil Rights Legislation which benefitted the little guy..people of color speicifically.I think Ike was pretty okay for a Republican. I think Reagan was maybe a racist but I'm not sure and there was that Iran Contra thing. Jimmy Carter soared after his presidency ended what with flying around the world trying to effect peace and the Habitat for Humanity. I think Clinton really related to the people but he was a scoundrel so that mitigated it. Sadly. No scandal with Obama so far as we know. I think George W.. wasn't that smart but I honestly believe he was a good man and just got involved with scammy bums like Dick Cheney. George H.W. was more a stateman and I don't think he was a bad guy. Of course how much can we really know? Thank you for your reply L! :)
      January 17, 2021 7:19 AM MST

  • 19938
    Eleanor Roosevelt was beyond amazing at a time when women were usually background noise.  She is someone to really look up to and emulate.  Lyndon Johnson had the Vietnam War as an albatross, but he did well in the Civil Rights area.  Carter was a weak president, but an outstanding human being.  At 95, he is still working with Habitat for Humanity and doing other good works.  Reagan had that trickle down economic agenda which didn't work then and doesn't work now.  Georgie was a dolt and he let Cheney get him involved in the Middle East.  As a human being, i think his heart is in the right place, but he was not a good president.  Clinton, for all his fooling around, had two terms without a war, a good economy and left the country better off than when he began.  George H.W. was almost a non-entity.  I cannot think of one thing that stood out in his term.  
      January 17, 2021 7:28 AM MST

  • 10560
    You might think me weird, but I find weather exciting.  I get giddy like a child on Christmas eve whenever a storm rolls in - the layers of clouds, the winds, the precipitation...   Even Though I know they're deadly and destructive, I always find myself rooting for the storms - the hurricanes, the high winds, the blizzards.  Call me weird, but my "chimes are rung" by high winds; my boat is floated" by powerful storms; my socks are knocked off by blizzards.  Nature at its finest.

    This post was edited by Shuhak at January 17, 2021 11:40 AM MST
      January 16, 2021 11:26 AM MST

  • 3719
    I can understand that, but I am just as aware as you that extreme weather events cause havoc.

    To choose from Rosie's list though..... Certainly science and music, for me.

    I find many things in Nature as moving as many pieces of music. My mother was no ignoramus but used to reckon that knowing how natural processes or things work removes the romance. Well, it's certainly true you have to be objective when actually studying them, and it may involve great wodges of maths, which was always my weak point; but I find knowing what is happening enhances the aesthetic and emotional pleasure they give me. 

    I heard a story years ago from someone who'd been among the hosts of a young Canadian visitor to my part of the world, South-West England, in Winter. She was staying in a rural location with little light-pollution, and one evening stood with them, admiring the night-sky, including the Milky Way in all its glory. My acquaintance said she suddenly broke down, to their surprise and some embarrassment. It transpired she was a professional astronomer - but working with a radio telescope, in a suburban location with plentiful fog and street-light. That evening here was the first time she had actually seen the galaxy she was studying, with her own eyes in a clear sky; and it overwhelmed her.  
      January 16, 2021 4:07 PM MST

  • 113301
    Apologies for eavesdropping Durdle but what caught my eye is what your mother said. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH HER. I might have told you this before so forgive me if you've heard it before.

    Years ago the company for which I worked would take the office staff and store managers (they owned McDonald's restaurants) out for a yearly treat. One year it was Disneyland. The owners of the company knew some bigshot at Disneyland and coordinated with him. He stayed with the group the whole time. We had dinner in an unmarked restaurant above The Pirates of the Caribbean ride and then went on a guided tour. After we experienced The Haunted House which has wraiths and ghosts floating about as you take a ride in the dark our guide said he would tell us how those effects were created. I excused myself and told him I did not want to know. After all if you cut open a drum to hear where the sound comes from you destroy it. So I can relate to your mom totally and completely. Usually I want to KNOW but sometimes I want to keep the mystery alive! :)
      January 17, 2021 12:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well m'dear if you're weird because of that so am I. Gosh I remember seeing electrical storms with lightning flashing across the skies and thunder pounding above. And I love when it rains. It so seldom does in southern California. The last time it rained we saw the most beautiful RAINBOW. They don't last very long but oh my goodness it was breathtaking. We hadn't seen a rainbow in years! I took it as a good omen of better days ahead. There are storm chasers I think who travel into a storm with measurement devices to record what I'm not sure. I wonder if the day will ever come when we can harness weather corral it manipulate it?  I shall ask.Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 17, 2021 10:03 AM MST
      January 17, 2021 12:37 AM MST

  • 44547
    Short answer. No. Nothing excites me.
      January 17, 2021 11:41 AM MST