The massive conspiracy collusion started by the head (TRAITOR DON) and goaded ordered cajoled for months was aided and abetted by pols who took an OATH they never meant to keep. How many of them were in on it? I don't know. ALL REPUBLICANS of course. What else? Who else would dare to dam* themselves as perfectly as that?
Every a** will be nailed to a wall or a cross eventually. Every a** will regret. Not due to conscience but due to what befalls them and their families. They're lives are sh** and so are the lives of their families who will never get rid of the stench and the stink and the embarrassment and the shame of what they did. NEVER. Go forth and multiply. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Your days are numbered and so too are the days of your family.
What do you expect from imbeciles who gave away everything to support a treasonous Madman? Just desserts. Roast in he**. They do like it warm right? SIGH. IF ONLY!