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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 22 Chinese miners (gold mine) have been trapped 1000 feet down for over a week. Now what happens to their minds?

22 Chinese miners (gold mine) have been trapped 1000 feet down for over a week. Now what happens to their minds?

I expect any claustrophobic person would NEVER seek a job as a miner.

BUT WHAT IF the tendency for claustrophobia has been within and has never been tested?

Would someone who has claustrophobia go mad? HOW WOULD YOU DO?

Posted - January 18, 2021


  • 6023
    Here's an article from 2010 ... when 22 Chilean miners were trapped for 2 months:

    Seems we should have plenty of insight based on previous incidents, as well as from people who spend time "trapped" in space for extended periods of time.

    Even being trapped in an elevator can cause people to panic and experience claustrophobia, so it's possible the miners could experience it as well.  However, being constantly used to the enclosed space probably acts as a "buffer" against the claustrophobia.

    Personally, I couldn't handle a job with that much time underground, underwater, or in space.
    I get "cabin fever" sometimes just in the house, and I have to get out and walk outside.
      January 18, 2021 7:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    Me too Walt and for that reason you will never see me explore a cave or any small enclosed space away from light and sky. I would never go to Carlsbad Caverns. I expect if my life depended on it I could live in a bomb shelter but I don't think it would be easy or fun and I don't know how long I could do it before my brain changed into crackpot or delusional. Maybe I don't give myself enough credit. I am very stoic when it comes to stuff. When I got the stage 3 cancer diagnosis I was never scared or apprehensive or weepy or why me? I just thought okay let's do what the doctors tell me to do and it will resolve itself just fine. And guess what? It did. How I did that I don't know but it made me feel really strong that I wouldn't crumble with unfavorable news. Of course if something were to happen to Jim all bets are off. Sigh. Pushing that aside two more days until Joe Biden is president! Fingers crossed nothing horrible bad happens. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 18, 2021 1:25 PM MST
      January 18, 2021 1:25 PM MST

  • 3719

    Claustrophobia is the fear of being in a confined or enclosed space.

    The miners are unlikely to suffer from that, but the space available is not a threat anyway; and the mine galleries are probably fairly roomy, not tightly enclosed.

    If they fear anything it could be the danger of flooding, possibly bad air, maybe hypothermia if the air temperature is low.

    Contact has been made with them, and the rescue is well under way. 

      January 18, 2021 3:34 PM MST