I NEVER over-eat. I can't. I eat very slowly and small portions. My brain tells me to stop after 20 minutes. However when things aren't going well I have a tendancy to not eat at all.
You're not a FOODIE then sweetie. Foodies can overeat if something tastes especially awesome. I have done so much to my regret. After awhile it gets digested and the discomfort goes away but the guilt remains. It's not something I often do of course but I know binging isn't healthy. There are some tings I cannot resist. It used to be dark chocolate-covered orange peels. If I bought some I would give the bag to Jim and asked him to put it somewhere and then dole it out. Ridiculously absurd isn't it? Mea culpa. Comfort foods are my downfall. You know pasta, mashed potatoes, noodles? I used to be able to eat a lot of meat but now I don't. Just a little bit satisfies me. Maybe one day I will be a complete vegetarian. I say good for you for being that disciplined although it sounds to me as if it isn't a struggle for you. When I'm stressed or pressured the last thing I want to do is eat. When I'm relaxed, happy, content that's when the danger time comes! Thank you for your reply ele and Happy Thursday! :)