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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I am currently in the process of RETHINKING something huge. Are you rethinking it too?

I am currently in the process of RETHINKING something huge. Are you rethinking it too?


So what exactly am I rethinking? This.

If someone I ADORE ADMIRE RESPECT BELIEVE IN TRUST asks me to do something would I? I don't know for certain but there is that possibility.

If such a person persuades you that killing that person would save democracy or the country or otherwise perform a noble patriotic service? I don't know. I don't think so but I DON'T KNOW.

 I have already placed much blame on the instigator of this tragic insurrection coup attempt. I now realize
Tte people were trying to give their president what he said he needed. Just because I always question everything and everyone all the time about everything and always have doesn't mean I could never do something unquestioningly because someone I adored asked me to do it.

So what I'm rethinking is how much do I blame the puppets for doing what the stringpuller required them to do and how much do I blame the stringpuller for putting them there in the first place?

How about you?

Posted - January 18, 2021


  • 10570
    Saying "I was only following orders" in NO way excuses a person of their actions.  This was not wartime.

    They were nothing more than a murderous band of thugs.  These people got caught and will say anything to save their butts.  Some are even trying to cop the insanity plea.  People don't like to take responsibility for their actions.  These people didn't care who they killed or what they damaged.  Heck, they were having a ball (lots of selfies).  There are consequences for one's actions.  If one isn't willing to accept those consequences, then they shouldn't take the actions.  

    I am by no means excusing the one who riled them in the first place.  he and his party attempted a coup.  They failed.  Virtually all failed coups end in the execution or banishment of the leaders.  If they don't, then it will happen again and again until they are successful.  Any country stupid enough to let that happen deserves to be overthrown.  
      January 18, 2021 10:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    No it goes BEYOND that Shuhak. It isn't just following orders. It is the WORDING used that makes it different for me. "I answered the call of my president". That is a very different thing for me than "I did what I was told". Maybe not for you but definitely for me. Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 18, 2021 12:43 PM MST