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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you are a fan of living in an alternate reality read no further. YOU WILL NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL. So. Are you still here?

If you are a fan of living in an alternate reality read no further. YOU WILL NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL. So. Are you still here?

Almost one-third (1/3) of RECOVERED COVID 19 patients RETURN TO THE HOSPITAL WITHIN 5 MONTHS! AND EVEN WORSE 1 in 8 DIE! So "recovering" is not an absolute by any means. It is just a temporary way station to catch your breath before you move on. Sorry for the not so hot news but well why lie when eventually we are all gonna die?

Posted - January 18, 2021


  • 10570

    What you are about to read is a nightmare.  It is not meant to be prophetic, it need not happen, it's the fervent and urgent prayer of all men of good will that it never shall happen.  But in this place, in this moment, it does happen.  This …is the Twilight Zone.

    This is the story of a civilization doomed by its own stubbornness and idiocy.  The year is 2021.  The place is a small insignificant planet called earth.  For nearly a year, the inhabitants of earth have been plagued by a virus called “COVID-19”.  Nearly a third of victims who recover from this virus become reinfected within 5 months, and 1 in 8 will die.  Although highly communicable, there are ways to help mitigate the virus – wash hands, social distance and wear a mask.  Yet even though these practices could help save their lives, many refuse to do them.  And so their numbers grow smaller and smaller.  Diminishing until finally... they are no more.

      January 18, 2021 12:03 PM MST

  • 113301
    Well once again m'dear you took the ball and ran with it and scored another TOUCHDOWN. What do we do?What can we do having done everything we were advised to do from the very beginning. YOU went way beyond that even to do tons more than should be required. And yet here we are Shuhak. Sitting ducks. Being told that THE WORST IS YET TO COME. Our ilk wonder when things will change KNOWING that they will never change because "the others" refuse to do what could help. I mean if true that 95% of the virus effect is taken away by SIMPLY WEARING MASK. why wouldn't EVERYONE adore odds like that? Sure it took some getting used to. Sure it's not my favorite thing in the world to have to wear. But wear it I do because it's the only thing between me and dying. That's how I look at it. Wearing a mask. Folks do that at masquerade balls or on Halloween. For fun. I think saving lives is way more more FUN don't you/ Talking does no good. We've said everything there is to say. There is nothing complicated about it. You don't need to be a genius to follow the rules. Why the belligerent stubborn hostility? POLITICAL PARTISANSHIP?  Are you kidding me? Political partisanship is of greater value than LIFE ITSELF? See? No way to understand any of that for me. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 18, 2021 12:18 PM MST
      January 18, 2021 12:11 PM MST