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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some are SUCKERS. They will believe any line as long as the salespitcher is divinely fine. They fall for it HOOK LINE AND SINKER. WHY?

Some are SUCKERS. They will believe any line as long as the salespitcher is divinely fine. They fall for it HOOK LINE AND SINKER. WHY?

Some folks just seem to be born to be conned scammed duped tricked defeated deceited.

As if they are BEGGING for it.

Others believe nothing and no one and have an "OUT TO LUNCH" or "GONE FISHING" sign on them all the time.

Middling is probably better. Of the two what are you most apt to do?

Believe everyone all the time
Believe no one at any time

Posted - January 21, 2021


  • 2706
    You're right, some people will believe anything. Many years ago I learned to question everything and to trust no one until they earned that trust. Trust is foundational to human relationships, but not all people are trustworthy.

    I've had people violate the trust I had in them. Breaking trust is an all too common human trait. But this is not a reason to avoid relationships or decide to never trust. Understanding this helped me to reset expectations when forming a relationship.

      All of that being said, I have to admit, there are some people that I don't believe I could ever trust, at any time. I can and will give the respect due to them but trust, no.
      January 21, 2021 7:21 AM MST

  • 33851
    Best is --Trust but Verify. 
    Know that if it sounds too good to be is not true 99.999% of the time.

      January 21, 2021 7:28 AM MST