Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Could you read the same paper, book, magazine every day for 4 years? Could you watch the same movie, TV show, play every day for 4 years?
Me too neither L. But then we are quick studies. We GET IT the first time around. We don't have to have it repeated day after day after day after day after day after day. We grasp fast! Doesn't say much for those who don't but then they are not my cuppa tea. You are! Thank you for your reply! :) I really like President Bidens press secretary. So far so good! :)
I think she's doing as well as can be expected. I am a bit disappointed at some stuff but it's not their fault I expect perfection after such a very long time with defectives running everything. Thank you for your reply L! :)
You are a fan of the "stream of consciousness" style of writing then? Flooding out with all kinds of things related and unrelated. James Joyce as well wrote in a similar style.. How many times have you read it Malizz? Thank you for your reply! :)