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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Lawmakers to pay fines for not wearing masks". I'd rather ground them and take away their cell phones. Wouldn't you?

"Lawmakers to pay fines for not wearing masks". I'd rather ground them and take away their cell phones. Wouldn't you?

That's what you do to bullheaded disobedient teens. Ground them and take away their cell phones.

These pitiful wretches whose "rights" are being invaded who squawk about it?

If I could I'd rid us of them forever. Ship them off to the cornfield in the Twilight Zone and forget about them. They are not worth the trouble.

They are tiresome twits who are proudly CLUELESS. Who the he** needs them? Who wants them? Nobody worthwhile for sure.


Posted - January 22, 2021


  • 2706
     Lawmakers to pay fines for not wearing masks". I'd rather ground them and take away their cell phones.

      Would that plan include the far-left liberal Democrats that don't follow their own rules, guidelines, and policies regarding face masks, among other things?            
      January 22, 2021 4:22 AM MST