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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't know how many times groups have sold everything and gone to sit on mountaintops waiting for the end of the world. The QANONS?

I don't know how many times groups have sold everything and gone to sit on mountaintops waiting for the end of the world. The QANONS?

They all believed deeply in a specific set of circumstances that would occur. Nothing turned out as they believed it would. NOT ONE THING.

Many poor dears are so depressed upset unsettled sad desparing.

What do they do with their lives now when everything they believed turned out to be a HOAX?

Some say that they wanted to throw up. They were that upset.

Wither do they goest now when all is lost and life as lost any meaning to them?

Are they sitting on that mountaintop metaphorically? Has their world literally ended?

Tune in. See what happens. What could it hurt? Everyone says so!

Posted - January 22, 2021


  • 2706
    If you don't believe in God then what I say will be meaningless. The Bible states that this world will end at some point in the future and that it will be destroyed by fire. The groups that sell everything they have and go to some mountaintop waiting for the end are relying on their own fallible feelings and predictions rather than what the Bible clearly reveals.

      The Bible says that there will be warning signs to look for and some of them are now manifesting themselves. However, the Bible never says exactly when the end will be. This is one of the main reasons why I chose to live my life one day at a time. Instead of worrying about everything I worry only about what this day will bring. Yes, I'm vigilant and I'm very aware of what's going on around me. I just don't make myself sick worrying about it.
      January 22, 2021 8:42 AM MST

  • 3719
    I don't believe in much of the Bible, but I know its basic nature.

    Those Biblical prophets were a  canny lot, but being carefully vague about when anything might happen - a point characters like the modern end-of-the-world escapists miss with their own "predictions".

    I wonder how many of them quietly creep back home after a while, feeling very foolish for having believed whatever was their motive.

    It seems quite popular to want to believe in untimely collapses of world-wide civilisation based on the least feasible causes.

    Remember how many imagined the world's computers all would crash at 00:00:00 on January 1st 2000 - or 2001 if as I do, you count the first year of a century as its Year One? (It would have been easy to test for, by running some computers with artificially-advanced dates.)

    Or those who reckoned that because the Mayans' calendar had been calculated only to a particular year, it obviously mean the world would end on that date?
      January 22, 2021 2:21 PM MST

  • 113301
    We homo saps keep trying to " make sense" or a world riddled with nonsense and it ain't easy! So we search for this and that and the other and because we get exhausted we embrace something anything and impute to it TRUTH. Never PROVABLE. We are told that we must have FAITH and you cannot prove something so abstract as that. So you go along to get along and eventually your brain becomes washed of logic. Once that occurs you are fodder for any scamp scoundrel con scam. You welcome it. You live for it. You are willing to give your life for it. And so it goes. "What fools these mortals are." Indeed. Fools who fancy themselves brilliant good worthy. Whatever. Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 23, 2021 1:42 AM MST