Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BE very careful which seeds you plant. For whatever you plant/sow you will reap. I wonder if the domestic terrorists knew that?

BE very careful which seeds you plant. For whatever you plant/sow you will reap. I wonder if the domestic terrorists knew that?

"DOMESTIC THREATS FACE NEW SCRUTINY. President asks law enforcement agencies to examine violent extremism, radicalism in U.S."

Good job and kudos to the January 6 treasonous insurrectionist white supremacist domestic racist terrorist traitors. Real good job. Now you focused attention on yourselves. Smart move. Atta way atta way atta way.

What can I say? Ya gotta admire them for that. Most vile groups don't want to draw attention to themselves. These vile? Senile? Revile? Beats me what they thought they were gonna reap when they sowed their "OATS and beans and barley grow" in the Capitol on January 6. They did not know that what they sow will grow. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer nor are they playing with a full deck!


Posted - January 23, 2021


  • 10798
    Those who follow are rarely "sharper" than their leader.  And this group's leader is about as sharp as a spoon.

    It's no secret that common sense disappeared a long time ago, and the much preferable "stoopid" took its place.  Couple this with a soft, "me" society and you get what we saw on the 6th.  "Look at me!"  "I'm going to take selfies of me committing crimes."   "This is definitely going on facebook".

    If you lie down with the devil, you'll wake up in hell.  (good morning idiots)
      January 23, 2021 10:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Lie down with dogs and you get fleas. It will be great fun to see how the grahamcracker survives. He said "the strongest force in the republican party is.......and will be so for years". Yep. That's what grahamcracker said after everything that's gone down. Insanity is communicable. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      January 23, 2021 10:48 AM MST