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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once republicans supported DEMOCRACY. Now they support overthrowing it. Did FOOTOO do it singlehandedly? Why did they roll over?

Once republicans supported DEMOCRACY. Now they support overthrowing it. Did FOOTOO do it singlehandedly? Why did they roll over?

Posted - January 24, 2021


  • 10560
    This has nothing to do with democracy, it has to do with "power".  After several years of being on the bottom (in their eyes), the republivinas finally got to "rise up" and be in charge (president and congress).  That power tastes sweet, and it's not very often that they get to sample it.  Letting go of that power is bitter and that's not something they want to swallow.  Remember, each party sees themselves as the only "true Americans", while the other guys are "anti-american".  It doesn't matter which party in in "power", the other one will always claim that the other party is out to destroy the country.  If the party A gets in power and does "X", party B will cry foul and say it's wrong.  But if party B is in charge and does the exact same "X", party A will cry foul and say it's wrong.
    In 2016 the republican party put forth a reprobate who, in their own words, "would destroy the republican party".  They were right.  But.. but.. they were in charge.  They held the holy grail.  So they unitedly backed the very person they knew would destroy them.  With the fate of their party at stake, they backed everything he said or did.   When it came to the point of him trying to overthrow the very country they swore to protect, they chose party over country.
    Even though that man has been deposed, a few republicans are still crying foul; not wanting to give up that sweet power.  Some pretend to be appalled at what he did in a desperate effort to save face.  They don't want to face the consequences of their actions, so they try to sweep it under the rug. 
      January 24, 2021 1:23 PM MST

  • 113301
    The power? They give up everything meaningful and substantive and true just for POWER? OK. I believe what you say is true Shuhak but honestly there is no way I can grasp that. Ever do one of the T graphs? List on one side all the benefits of whatever it is you are puzzling over and on the other all the harm or deficits. Then supposedly whatever side has the longest list is the decision you go with either for or against...depending on what's listed thereon. So we do the T graph. On one side is POWER. On the other side is everything else. What sane person would give up the world for ONE THING? Are they all insane? Did they all get doused in crackpot water when they were baptized? Of course I have never wanted power. I've even turned it down more than once in terms of jobs. So it's harder for me to get it. Very sad. Will it always be this way? Or is it a pendulum that will swing day? Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Monday to you! STAY SAFE! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 25, 2021 9:42 AM MST
      January 25, 2021 1:24 AM MST

  • 33851
    I do not support Democracy. 
    Democracy is simple majority rule or mob rule. No thank you. 
    I support our Constructional REPUBLIC. Representative government based on our Constitutional rights that protect the minority as well as the majority. 
      January 24, 2021 2:17 PM MST