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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Those who really LOVE THEIR COUNTRIES who don't like the way things are being run DO SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT IT! WHAT?

Those who really LOVE THEIR COUNTRIES who don't like the way things are being run DO SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT IT! WHAT?

THEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. THEY EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND VOLUNTEER in the communities. They go out to help those who need it.

They don't join HATE groups and plot to overthrow anything. They don't carry nooses and loaded guns around just in case they get to riot that day.

That is what LOSERS do.

WINNER accentuate the POSITIVE. LOSERS always take the violent way out. The cheap way out.  THE COWARD'S WAY OUT. First they always work in mobs. TOO SCAIRDY cat to work alone. They ALWAYS TAKE THE VIOLENT WAY THE BLOODY WAY THE EVIL WAY. ALWAYS AND FOREVER THEY ARE LOSERS.

That any of their children survive them and overcome the madness and the evil is a miracle. God help them.

Posted - January 25, 2021


  • 10797
    That takes too much time and requires each person to have to think for themselves.    Best simply to let some crackpot tell us what to do, and follow him blindly (too much effort to see if what he says is actually true).
      January 25, 2021 3:16 PM MST

  • 113301
    It seems so m'dear. It seems so. They are blind to what they are and whom they are. Deaf and dumb too. I wonder when being sheep became in style. I wonder when ceding one's integrity and intellect became more appealing than not? It didn't happen overnight but when you have an accelerent it is inevitable that it flares up and you get one of those massive fires that can't be stopped. It has to run itself out. Meanwhile everything in its way get destroyed!.Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy almost Tuesday! :)
      January 26, 2021 12:33 AM MST