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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The more you age (the older you get) the more you should KNOW and the more you should UNDERSTAND. Right?

The more you age (the older you get) the more you should KNOW and the more you should UNDERSTAND. Right?

It isn't working that way for me personally. I know less now that I ever did and I expect will keep knowing less and less and less until I'm dead. After that who knows? Will all be revealed?

Posted - February 4, 2021


  • 10560

    Actually, the older you get the more you realize that you don't know as much as you thought you did.  That's called wisdom.

    When we're in our teens we think we know everything (even more than our parents). 

    When we hit our 20s, we think we have everything down.  We know exactly how this world should work.  (The geezers running things now are doing it all wrong, and we're going to fix it!)

    Problem is every generation thinks the exact same thing.  So the world around us is constantly being “revised”. 

    This really hits home the day our kids ask us to help them with their math homework… and we find out that math we leaned changed. 
    ("That's not how you do it, dad.  First you have to divide by the inverse of the cofactor of the,  Then multiply the square of that figure by the circumference of pi.”  “B-but sweetheart, I thought the question was what's 2+2?”).

    Technology changes at warp speeds.  One day we're listening to records on our hi-fi, the next a CD, then an iPod, then...?  TV to cable to VCR to DVD to streaming to...?  (Wait, what happened to that thing that flashed 12:00 all day?) 

    Understanding changes as well.  One day we have 9 planets, the next day we have 8.  One day eggs are good for you, the next they’re bad as they cause high cholesterol, then the next they’re good for you again.  One day we're landing on the moon, the next we're looking at a picture of a black hole.

    No wonder it seems we know less and less as we age.  There’s so much more to know.  However, that’s not what really happened.  What happened is that we surrendered our “know it all” attitude we had as a youth.  If we think we know everything then we limit ourselves and become stagnant.  If we know we don’t know everything, then we can grow and learn more.   Wisdom.

      February 4, 2021 1:28 PM MST

  • 113301
    You are a riot m'dear if a very scary one. I mean you tell the truth only in a humorous way. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way. I loved especially your "2+2! It's all way above and beyond my ken Shuhak. In 1948 my dad brought home our first TV and just PLUGGED IT IN. It had rabbit ears which we would adjust to pick up the signals. You didn't have to program remote controls. There were none. You did have to get up off your butt to change channels of which there were very few. I liked that a lot. I felt I was in control then. I do simple best. I was raised on it. We get a new remote and Jim has to program it to talk to our SMART TV! A SMART TV? Are you kidding me? And on and on and on it goes. What hope is there for me to plug in and go with the flow? Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 7, 2021 1:53 AM MST