What happened thereon matters not. MOVE ON.
The Jewish HOLOCAUST covering years with the genocide of 6 million Jews matters not. MOVE ON.
The Armenian HOLOCAUST covering years thegenocide of 1.5 million Armenians matters not. MOVE ON.
The LYNCHINGS that took place covering years murdering an unknown number of African Americans matters not. MOVE ON.
Everything matters not to those who did not experience them because they were often the ones who PERPETRATED THEM. They say it matters not what happened therein or thereon to unknown millions MOVE ON.
Else there will be division.
Else there will be a divide
The perps tell you none of it matters. MOVE ON
The vics will never think it matters not. THEY WILL ALWAYS CARRY IT WITH THEM. MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON
Until the next monster does monstrous things we can add that to the list..it mattered not at all. MOVE ON. MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON MOVE ON