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Do you buy bullsh**? Want some more?

The GOP Senators who voted to acquit FOOTOO (the piece of crap) said this.

They voted to acquit on PROCEDURAL ISSUES. Not because they believed he was innocent of the charges. Not because they believed he was NOT GUILTY.  That did not even enter into it at all. NOT ONCE!

There ya go. Guilt or innocence is IRRELEVANT. All that counts is process! MY A**!

This is the gibberish blather they are spreading around to account for the egregious wrong decision. They want it both ways.

They want to kiss the a**es of those who know FOOTOO (that piece of crap) is guilty as he** and they want to appease the violent white domestic terrorists who will target them for annihilation if they dare do what the right thing to do would have been. Which was to find him guilty as charged!


Posted - February 14, 2021


  • 33849
    Now you know how we feel about the judges who ruled on the election cases on procedural issues instead of looking at the evidence.  

    Of the cases, actually decided by evidence...only 21....Trump won 14 and lost 7. 
    25 still ongoing.
      February 14, 2021 10:12 AM MST

  • 2706
     The purpose of impeachment is to remove the president from office. Trump was already out of office. He was a private citizen. The Senate has no jurisdiction over a private citizen. What I find disgusting is what the Senate did, to begin with. Trying an ex-president before the Senate rather than in a court of law is not only unconstitutional, it is a direct assault on the People’s right to choose their chief executive.

      To put it another way, the Senate has no right to act as a judiciary body to try a private citizen, only to remove someone’s hands from power. Evidently, enough officials, even the Trump-haters, recognized this and voted for acquittal. The Constitution and American history are there for all to read. I strongly suggest that we the people do just that.

      February 14, 2021 11:20 AM MST