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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I think those "republicans" who want FOOTOO to still be in charge of them suffer from STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. Don't you?

I think those "republicans" who want FOOTOO to still be in charge of them suffer from STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. Don't you?

They learn to ADORE the abuser and want them to be in charge.

Adoring the abuser is a common thing about homo saps.

Abused women who won't leave their abusive spouses
"Who else will love me"?

Go figger.

An emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress, dependence and a need to cooperate for survival

Posted - February 16, 2021


  • 33849
    Or they seen the results and want it back and to prevent Joe from losing what is left. 

    Lowest unemployment records. (How many jobs did Biden kill on day 1?)
    Raising wages. (Will those who had good jobs Biden fired get better ones?)
    Border Security (Biden already stopped that and trying to halt deportations)
    Lower Taxes (Biden has said he wants to get rid of the tax cuts)
    Largest oil producer (guess what jobs Biden killed)
    No new wars (Biden will not resist.)
    Gun rights (Biden is already working against the 2nd amendment now)
    Prolife (Biden is not)
    Lower medical care and fighting Big Pharma (Insulin under Trump $35/3 month supply...after Joe's EO $1500/3 month supply) 

    No Republican is in fear of Trump. Dems fear Trump because they know if he runs again...he will win. 

      February 16, 2021 6:32 AM MST

  • 2706
     Good answer. The list you posted plus the many other mistakes Biden has made thus far doesn't bode well for him or the Democrats in general. Which you alluded to.
      February 16, 2021 1:34 PM MST