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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you smart enough to know when truth is skewed to fit a political view? D'ya know when you're being played or are you clueless?

Are you smart enough to know when truth is skewed to fit a political view? D'ya know when you're being played or are you clueless?

You firmly totally believe your political view is true and all those contra to it aren't? Did you figure that out all by yourself on your own ALL AlONE or were you given a set of marching orders that you gladly embraced? Or do you even know?

Posted - February 17, 2021


  • 10570

    Most people don't ... regardless of their political affiliation.  Many times the skew is so cleverly woven that it's hard to know that one is being played (lied to).  

    One needs to start with the foundation that ANYTHING a politician says is a lie.  Politicians will always tell people what they want to hear - I’ll do such-and-such for people like you; this way will help people like you; I will fight for people like you, I will make sure your voice is heard.  Their goal is to sway the listener to their way of thinking (even if that way isn’t the best).  Politicians know that if they deceiver on one or two things they say, most people will assume they’ll deliver on everything.   

    One also needs to carefully examine what  a politician says say through the filter of common sense (a very rare commodity these days).  Often, what comes out of the filter isn’t even close to what went in.  Pledges, Hope, and assurances go in, but lies, half-truths, and empty promises come out.  If a politician claims they will part the seas, common sense says it ain’t going to happen.

      February 17, 2021 12:11 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply to my question Shuhak. You know what really bothers me bigly? The number of people who preferred FOOTOO and voted for him despite the massive evil he did. Was it 74 million? And 81 million didn't. We voted for "the other candidate". But think about that for a moment Shuhak. 74 million people either had no integrity or honor to begin with or if they did FOOTOO rid them of it. 74 million people! Among those who voted for him how many believe the election was fraudulent..that it was stolen from FOOTOO and that FOOTOO did win in a landslide? Logically that would be an impossibility so we know those folks are not intellectually acute. 50 states, some of whom had REPUBLICAN election officials, CERTIFIED the results. FOOTOO and his fools went to court over 60 times and lost each time. So to effect a fraud of that magnitude MILLIONS OF PEOPLE would have had to conspire! Totally ILLOGICAL. Yet many of "their ilk" truly believe that is what happened. Braindead? Brainless? How have they survived this long if their brains are that mushed muddled? It's inconceivable to me that so many of them believe that. What chance do their children have being raised reared by such idiots? None. So here we are in the aftermath of a bloodbath which could have been so much worse. There will be a next time I expect. Are you not shocked amazed appalled at the number of people walking around empty of intellect? We know they have no honor or decency or integrity. That is a given. Now what? I dunno. Those 74 million creep me out bigly. Once in a awhile one of them is interviewed and you should hear the nonsense they barf. The same strain of insane inane profane. Joe is gonna keep trying to bring the nation together. I don't know why he bothers. They are beyond reach praying 24/7 to their gawd FOOTOO. I guess I'm kinda sorta down in the dumps today. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 18, 2021 11:41 AM MST
      February 18, 2021 1:59 AM MST