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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly Jeff Epstein child sex procurer/enjoyer had tapes going when "friends" visited his home including Bill Clinton and FOOTOO! WHAT?

Allegedly Jeff Epstein child sex procurer/enjoyer had tapes going when "friends" visited his home including Bill Clinton and FOOTOO! WHAT?

Which of the two would have more to fear if those secret tapes were released to the public?

Both are creeps. Which is the creepiest creep?

Of course if there are no tapes or they cannot be found it's all moot.

I wouldn't be surprised. Certainly anyone doing what Jeff Epstein done did do has no ethics or honor or integrity he would be jeopardizing. Allegedly he did that to have "dirt" on everyone to be used if and when needed in the future.

Insurance. You understand what that's for right? You may never need to use insurance but it's nice to know it's there just in case?

Posted - February 21, 2021
