Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A 9-year-old girl in Sri Lanka was caned to death to drive out an evil spirit. Being dead would likely do it. Do you support EXORCISM?
Imagine if you can being the one who is exorcised? There you are and your "loved ones" whom you always trusted to protect you are the ones having this done to you? Wackadoodlenoodles should NEVER HAVE CHILDREN. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
That would be such a huge blessing wouldn't it? Eliminating all who would harm children in any way from ever having them or caring for them. Thank you for your reply! :)
From time to we read about a case here in the states. The people involved truly believe the child is possessed. They truly believe they have to drive the demon out to save the child. Why is it always a child? It is simpleminded people to whom logic and clarity of thought is not available. Which brings a question to mind which I will research first and ask. You get a preview. "Does the bible sanction exorcism"? I don't know but I'm going to find out. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)