Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BIG DAY today in D.C. FOOTOO adoring worshippers weaponized and insurrectionized are gonna show for a repeat! Gonna GO?

BIG DAY today in D.C. FOOTOO adoring worshippers weaponized and insurrectionized are gonna show for a repeat! Gonna GO?

Today March 4 will be a repeat only WAY BIGGER AND WAY BETTER than January 6. That was just the tip of the iceberg! TODAY will be a tiny teeny eensy weensy bit more. Just wait though for the big bazooka godzilla  Jabba the hut coming at you. Won't say what day. Keep ya guessing. Today more carnage and death and destruction. Tomorrow the world!

FOOTOO is salivating and glued to the TV in his far away hideaway safe from all of it. Hoping to see more January 6 ON STEROIDS. Then the victors will bellycrawl to palm beach from D.C. and kiss his ring and his a** for a pat on the head and a "good boy".

Photo ops.

Posted - March 4, 2021


  • 33842
    I am in TX. So nope I will not be storming the Capitol today. 

    Funny the one people I hear talking about Mar 4 are fake news CNN. 

    I guess it is a distraction from real news like their anchor's brother murdering the elderly in nursing homes. 
      March 4, 2021 1:56 PM MST