Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does GOD exist outside of what is in the Bible? Did HIS creation occur on the same day as HE created the universe?

Does GOD exist outside of what is in the Bible? Did HIS creation occur on the same day as HE created the universe?

Did GOD create himself or did something else?

The Bible puts creation around 4004 B.C. Since GOD is omnipresent omnipotent and omnicient doesn't that mean HE ALWAYS WAS and NEVER WASN'T? HE predated the bible did HE not or is everything absent and then magically there 4004B.C.?

Is GOD limited to the timeframe of the bible? Is that all HE is? What is stated therein written by dozens of different men over many decades?


So nothing existed before the bible including GOD. I find that impossible to believe. You?

Posted - March 5, 2021


  • 10560

    You brought up questions that many have asked for years.  The “answer” isn’t as easy as one might think…

    We live inside a time based existence.  That means everything we see has a beginning and an end (point A to point B, if you will).  As such, we assume that everything anywhere must also operate in that same time based existence.  God, however, exists in a realm outside of our time based realm, and therefore isn’t subject to its “rules” or confinements.  That’s a concept we have a hard time wrapping our minds around.  All our minds can conceive is time.  We had a beginning, therefore God must have had a beginning as well.  But He didn’t.  He always has been and always will be.  Or to put it simply - He is.  So at any point in our time - past present or future - He is, He was, and He has yet to come.  I know, right now, your mind is screaming, “non sequitur!” as it desperately tries to conform this to our time based logic.  Well, hold onto your mind, as it’s about to get blown…  Since God is outside of our time “looking in” (so to speak), He sees every moment of our “time” all at once.  From beginning to end; past, present and future; moment zero to moment ‘Aleph-null times infinity’.  That’s why to Him “a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day”. 
    Since this is beyond our ability of our minds to grasp, we assume it must be in error.  So we desperately try to make God fit into our time based realm; to operate within our parameters.   But that’s like trying to fit the entire Pacific Ocean inside a grain of sand. 

      March 5, 2021 12:20 PM MST

  • 113301
    Some say there is no such thing as time. It is a convention invented by man to try to make sense of his surroundings. I'm not sure if there is or there isn't. I can't make any sense of this world. I will never understand the folks who hate and whose lives are focused on destroying "the other". I don't know if what reality is will ever be available to homo saps. I don't know beyond my limitations to question. There are many questions I will never ask because they won't occur to me. My brain is limited to whatever I can comprehend absorb glean. Am I a 10% reality knower? 50%? Or ZERO percent? Is what we live not what we think it is? Will we ever know? We can all be pieces on a chess board being moved about by higher beings for their amusement. "Let's see what would happen if....".

    There was a Twilight Zone once about a couple stranded in a strange neighborhood. No humans around at all. But there were trees, lawns, flowers. All of which turned out to be FAKE. The went into a home and found no one. Everything was so quiet. How does it end? A huge child reaches her hand down to move them about. They are a child's toy. A gigantic gargantuan child. Are we a toy to be moved about by a larger hand? I have no idea. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. :)
      March 6, 2021 4:01 AM MST

  • 10560
    Time Is quite interesting.   The theory of relativity states that time slows down as one approaches the speed of light.  If you were  to stand on a mountain (on a clear day) and look out, you'd be looking back in time.  Everything you see already happened.  That's because it takes time for the light reflecting off those objects to reach your eyes.  The amount of time is negligible, but tit is there.  The further away they are, the farther back in time your looking.   When you look up at the moon, you see it not as it is right now, but as it was 1.26 seconds ago.  The very sunlight you see now is over 8 minutes old.  If you look up at the star Betelgeuse (that bright red one in Orion), you're seeing as it was 430 years ago!

    Gravity can bend time.  The higher you get in elevation, the faster time goes. That means that people who live or work on upper floors of buildings age faster than those who stay on the ground floor.  And people in deep sub-sub basements age even slower, while  folks in space agee even faster.  Now before you go and move to your basement, know that this difference is negligible - billionths of a second (but it has been proven to be true).

    The twilight episode you refer to is called, "Stopover in a quiet town..
      March 6, 2021 11:18 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply and the Twilight Zone episode title. The Timespace continuum. Is it a human convention or does it exist OUTSIDE Of human perception? Who knows? :)
      March 7, 2021 3:59 AM MST

  • 33842
    1. God did not create Himself
    2. Bible is about earth. And what humans on earth need to know. 
    3. The Bible does not but a date on when the earth was created. 
      March 5, 2021 12:42 PM MST

  • 113301
    1. Who did?
    2. The earth is tiny insignificant planet. The ENTIRE UNIVERSE exists. HOW? BY WHOSE HAND? Limited thinking if all you care about is earth. In my opinion.
    3. So you are saying earth could be billions of years old then?
      March 6, 2021 4:03 AM MST

  • 33842
    1. God always was.
    2. No. The earth is not insignificant. 
    3. Yes of course. 
      March 6, 2021 5:13 AM MST