Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A big SHOUTOUT to Germany The pandemic inspired more than 1200 NEW GERMAN WORDS! Proving they care more creative inventive literate?

A big SHOUTOUT to Germany The pandemic inspired more than 1200 NEW GERMAN WORDS! Proving they care more creative inventive literate?

A bigger better wider deeper higher sense of humor? I dunno. Thought it deserved a mentioning.

Posted - March 6, 2021


  • 19938
    Somehow, after spending a week in Berlin many years ago, I have difficulty thinking of Germans in general as a humorous people not to mention their lack of humor evidenced by the Holocaust. 
      March 7, 2021 7:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Those were the Nazis many decades ago. The German people of today are not them. Just as the Japanese of today did not bomb Pearl Harbor. Americans of today do not burn witches at the stake or lynch nonwhites. We can't change our history but we change our destiny. I think. Could be Nazi crops up again worldwide. There are AMERICAN NAZIS...part of the hate groups who totally adore FOOTOO. As for Japanese murders maybe they will rise again. Maybe Americans will lynch again. This FASCISM and WHITE SUPREMACIST VIOLENT DOMESTIC TERRORIST faction is getting fatter and bigger and huger and deeper and higher and wider. Back to square one everywhere? Could be. I'll be dead by then. Not my problem. Sigh.  Thank you for your reply L. Sorry about the rant. Not directed at you. You just happened to show up! :(
      March 7, 2021 7:56 AM MST

  • 19938
    I don't take your rant personally.  I understand what you're saying and I agree that what once was is not necessarily what is today.  I also think that Americans of German descent are a bit different than native Germans.  
      March 7, 2021 9:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    I feel somewhat sheepish m'dear. As you know I am of Armenian descent. You know about the Armenian holocaust at the hands of the Turks. You KNOW 6 million jews were exterminated at the hands of the Nazis and likely know that 1.5 million Armenian were forced on death marches by the Turks. My genocide occurred decades before yours at different hands. But I harbor a huge grudge against TURKS TO THIS DAY. Why? Because the Turkish government TO THIS DAY denies it ever happened. The US government refuses to condemn them or argue with them. Various folks in Congress have tried to get a condemnation of it to no avail. Politics is most important it seems..more than TRUTH. So I really can't fault you for any underlying continue resentment. I am resentful too. So I guess this is my mea culpa to you! Do you know that every April there is an Armenian youth uprising commemorating the genocide? No one forgets. Thank you for your reply. That is among the reasons why I identify with Jewish people and feel one with them in many ways. I think we've discussed this before. :)
      March 8, 2021 4:12 AM MST

  • 19938
    I surely understand your resentment.  At least Germany has mad an attempt to not only acknowledge but to criminalize many anti-Jewish actions.  I will admit that I was there so long ago that we spent a lot of time befriending college age people.  They expressed their horror at what the Nazis did and felt not only remorse for the Holocaust, but understood that it would be difficult, if not impossible to ever get out from under that black cloud in their history.  
      March 8, 2021 8:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Exactly right honey! Exactly right! At least Germany acknowledged it and apologized for it! It matters! Thank you for your reply L! :) ((hugs)) For our mutual histories.
      March 8, 2021 10:09 AM MST